The best marketing ideas or business development strategies won’t help you grow your business if they don’t get executed consistently. The most common marketing problem I find happening with small business owners is that the business development plan was just not consistently implemented.
The biggest reason why entrepreneurs struggle with execution is largely because the marketing strategies were not systematized.
A great definition of S.Y.S.T.E.M.S. is
- Save
- Your
- Self
- Time
- Energy
- Money and
- Sanity!
How do you systematize your marketing strategy ?
Create a checklist system for who does what when. What’s your checklist system for:
- developing marketing strategies throughout the year?
- funding marketing campaigns?
- executing 1 specific marketing strategy (ie like Linkedin Marketing) in a step-by-step format?
- tracking the success of marking campaigns?
Any time you want to take action toward a goal, systems help you stay on track. Systems also help you finish your circles and not leave marketing intentions half completed. The following tips can help you create a system unique to your business and move forward with consistently implementing and tracking your business development plan.
Step 1: Divide your marketing plan into bite-size chunks. You should have three to five strategies, none of which seem overwhelming to you.
Step 2: Create a target number for action. Prospects need at least five to seven interactions before responding with action. The key to success is not to jump from thing to thing too quickly. By committing to a smaller number of methods repeated enough times, you increase your odds for success.
Step 3: Divide large tasks into smaller ones. You can use to-do lists, mind-mapping, boxing, or countdowns. Find the strategy that works for you and incorporate it into your daily work.
Step 4 : Add this information to your calendar. Use the alert feature in your Outlook calendar or your iCal. Putting marketing deadlines in ink helps you work backwards and determine the needed steps to reach your goal. Deadlines make your plans concrete and keep you on schedule.
Step 5: Take action. Implement your marketing plan and always be moving forward.
Step 6: Track and Evaluate. Measure the performance of your marketing methods and determine what works and what does not. It is tempting to jump from project to project, but you really need to evaluate what you have done and its effectiveness. This way you will know what to repeat in future campaigns.
This is just a quick overview on how you can get started on systematizing your marketing plan You can tailor the steps to meet your business development needs, but this gives you a good start.
Your marketing goals are now part of a system. It is organized and produces measurable results. You might be surprised by the luck this brings you, but remember it is not luck at all. You worked for your success and found a strategy that benefits your business! Of course, if choosing the right marketing strategies is a mystery to you or if business development is just not apart of your core skill set, then you would be better served getting some training so you can succeed in the game of marketing once and for all.
If that’s you check out:
I invite you to share you comments and your best tips on how you made your marketing strategies easier with systems.
Here’s to your success!
Business Growth Expert, Yoon Cannon has helped hundreds of CEO’s, Entrepreneurs & small business owners gain dramatic results in your sales, marketing & strategic planning. Yoon’s mission is to encourage, equip and empower Entrepreneurs, so you can accelerate explosive business growth!
Having started, built (and sold) 3 other companies, Yoon offers a fresh, outside perspective from a seasoned entrepreneur. Yoon’s clients represent B2B, Direct Sales industry, Family-Run Businesses, Franchises, Healthcare/BioTech, Law Firms, Manufacturing & Small Business Owners.
Yoon Cannon has been published in The Philadelphia Business Journal, JP Morgan Chase Ink Magazine, ASI’s Counselor magazine, W4 magazine and many others. Yoon is also a frequent guest expert on radio show programs throughout the US. Yoon Cannon continues to be in demand as the featured speaker for many corporate and industry Association conference events.
For receive Yoon’s free 80 min. video training on How to Find Your WOW Factor just click LIKE at To speak to Yoon direct call (215) 292-4947 EST.