“Love and Surrender Merge Together”

When we do meditation for long periods of time the 3 parts of surrender merge together… and the same goes for the 3 parts of love…

Dr. Haider

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Feel Free to Share this Article - Dr. Paul Haider - Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist for over 25 years, You can find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Wordpress Blog “Relax Into Success” and at  www.paulhaider.com feel free to contact him any time.
Here is a short video bio - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK6Eg-xlX3U
Here is my Google+ address if any of you would like to connect. — http://plus.google.com/+PaulHaider--drpaulhaider —— All My Consultations are Always FREE
Dr. Paul Haider, TRS, USA, Metaphysical, Spirituality, Video, Love and Surrender Merge Together, Allow The Love, Lover, and Beloved to Merge Together, Find Inner Peace , Meditation, 1 1/2 Hours of Meditation, Go Inward, Find Love, Find Peace , Find Contentment, Find Bliss, All We Want it Found in Meditation , Vipassana, TM,
All My Consults are FREE - Feel Free to Contact me, I love talking with people and being of service - email - drpaulhaider@gmail.com ,
Skype - drpaulhaider - and my cell phone is (831) 869-9119 - EST Time Zone.
Make a Love Donation on www.Paypal.com using the Paypal address — relax@paulhaider.com — send it as family and friends

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Paul Haider - Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist for over 25 years, You can find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Wordpress Blog “Relax Into Success” and at  www.paulhaider.com feel free to contact him any time.