Inventors face the fact that having a prototype made is one of the steps they'll have to face throughout the process of having their Invention come to life. Most individuals are not aware of how this process must take place so there are a few things they should know before starting this journey. If Your one of these Inventors and are unaware of what to do about the design and having a prototype made this article is for You.
Invention Design Services
Invention Design Services can vary from one to another, and provide a wide arrange of services for Inventors. Within the patent process Inventors must obtain a detailed technical drawing known as the patent drawings which will help the patent office fully understand the Inventions physical appearance. Some Invention Design Services will only provide this service when the Inventor still needs to have a 3D CAD model created for the prototype process. In all actuality the patent drawings can be created during the design of the 3D CAD model, so why do it separately?
CAD Prototypes
CAD and Prototypes go together hand in hand and basically rely on one another. CAD is the acronym for computer aided design or computer aided drafting. CAD Designers are the ones who operate the CAD software
to design 3D Models which are used in conjunction with the prototype machines to develop a physical prototype. 3D Printers are the machines which develop these Rapid Prototypes, and they can provide the Inventor reasonable pricing especially if they got the CAD Design done from the same company. The CAD file used to make an Inventors Prototype is the same type of file which will be used when large scale manufacturing is done with an injection mold.
Injection Molds
Injection Molds differ from Rapid Prototyping because the mold created for Injection Molding can reproduce shots one after another continually. Given it is more expensive to have a mold created they can produce each shot for almost the price of the material. Please remember if you're trying to save money it is still important to have a rapid prototype created. This will ensure that You get exactly what You want before You invest in the Injection Mold. The price for the Rapid Prototype will normally cost no more than a thousand dollars and is definitely a smart investment for any Inventor.
Clay Bowling-Owner of eLine Design LLC an Online Invention & Prototype Design Company-If You would like to learn more about the Invention & Prototype Design Process Click Here- CAD Invention Designer-CAD Patent Designer