1. Bringing up fees to early during the first session. No one
wants to feel like you only see dollar signs when you look at them, and
announcing your fees before you have even exchanged pleasantries is
the fastest way to make your potential client feel undervalued. The
correct time to mention fees would be at the end of your first free
session together, after you have gotten to know your them and how
coaching could help them. The exception to this rule is if the client is
the one who brings it up, then do not stall as you are worth every
penny. Remember: To charge too little makes your services and skills
seem cheap.
2. Being late for a call. If you have a session scheduled, show upand be in “coach mode” (calm, centered and ready to listen.)
3. Not following up with a card, call or email after they have
signed on with you. Following up will help your client feel valued asa client. Even a simple “glad we will be working together” is all that is
4. Over-advising. Everywhere people turn advice is being given out-
generally unwarranted and unwanted. Thus people have naturally
developed a defence system that goes up when advice (no matter how
good) is coming their way that has not been asked for. To avoid this
pitfall, ask insightful questions that will lead your clients to the self
discovery of the advice they need.
5. Not listening. This is the no-no of coaching. Misunderstandingyour client may often also be interpreted as not listening.
There are two steps to take to avoid this:
Step 1: Concentrate on what the client is saying not on what you aregoing to say next.
Step 2: Repeat and reiterate what your client has just told you back tothe client. This ensures you are both on the same page.
6. The client wants a “quick fix solution” from you and is upset
they are not getting one. Avoid this by explaining during your firstsession exactly what coaching is and is not. Emphasize the self-
discovery aspect of coaching.
7. They do not feel valued as a client. Avoid this by answering
emails and returning their calls in a timely manner and rereading the
notes from their last session with you before engaging in a
conversation with them (this shows them you remember who they are
and what goals they are working on).
Mackenzie Pearce
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