“Happy is the soul that has something to look backward to with pride, and something to look forward to with hope.” - Oliver G. Wilson
What value do you place on your dreams , your hopes, and your goals in life? Are you willing to place your personal ambition to improve your life above everything else for its value? Whether your goal is to be a stay-at-home mom, a business owner, a super model, or the owner of an internet monopoly, no matter what you decide, you must always make a commitment to be the best.
Making a commitment to choose creditable behavior and a life of value is your power to excellence. Here are fifteen inspirational commitments to add to your ambitions.
1. Develop goals that you are passionate about, then work to make them real. Imagine all the things you want and dream about everyday. You can program your subconscious mind for the happiness, health, creativity , and riches that you deserve just by focusing on what it is you desire. Then take action to make it happen.
2. Discover any creative skills you may have, and develop them. Think outside of your normal way of doing, acting, and being. You’ll never know what you can surprise yourself into doing. You may be the next million dollar inventor, create the next entertainment film, or introduce a new wave of technology programs.
3. Think big, yet be realistic. What do you have to do to make it happen? Do you need to find professional expertise? Or do you need to take a course? How soon can you make it happen? Be patient, nothing happens overnight.
4. Set goals with specific conditions and values. Structure them around positive actions. If you think your goal is impossible - it will be. Instead, entertain thoughts that are worthy of your natural skills and talents. Start with what you know and love. Then get help where needed.
5. Start with a clear plan. This helps your mind see a picture of the outcome. An easy way to start is by daily reprogramming your subconscious mind to show you a plan for each task to be done. With a little practice you can develop many positive ideas you wish to do or accomplish.
6. Reward yourself for any progress you make. Compliment yourself for taking even the smallest step toward reaching your goal. The more you practice positive behaviors, the more you commit to becoming unique, confident, and enthusiastic.
7. Showing positive feelings toward others helps you reach your own accomplishments. When you express negative behavior it tends to boomerang. Remember, what you give out comes back to you in multiples!
8. Know what your strengths are. Even if it takes you a little longer to understand a particular technique, know that you do not have to do it alone. Get help or seek out knowledge whenever you do not have all the answers, or the best answer.
9. Know that failures often lead to success. When one way does not work, try another, and another, and still another until you get it right. You learn from your mistakes.
10. Welcome problems. They become your learning tools. Learn to look at problems as a way of helping you grow. This in turn, opens you up to other possibilities that may work even better, or faster.
11. Know that there is untapped skill and creativity in everything you attempt to do. Make sure your individual choices in life are in harmony with what you wish to attract. Focus your attention on the skills you now possess and greater skills will be attracted to you.
12. Remember that God put you on earth to win. Yet, winning is not everything. You also learn from losing, and go on improving for the next time. Whether it is a win or a loss, be grateful for any gifts and blessings that come your way. Gratitude brings its own rewards.
13. Prosperity comes to those who believe it will happen. Fill your mind with continuous thoughts of positive values, wellness, enjoyment, prosperity , and accomplishment.
14. Know that wealth and prosperity is experienced most often when it is built on honesty, trust and commitment. Therefore, engage only in transactions that serve others with love, harmony, and a belief in them and in yourself.
15. Valuing yourself and making commitments to excellence is worth the price you pay to achieve excellence. When you focus your mind on value and excellence, you send out positive energy so more prosperity can come your way.These inspirational commitments are just a small part of living your life well, and with value, with wisdom and success.
Take time to stay positive, grateful, use your God given talents, and you may conquer any economic struggles that you face today.
For over 20 years, Gerri D Smith has been motivating others with inspirational words that connect with your spirit and your soul. Inspirational words can solve a need and offer comfort. With the struggling economy today, it is nice to receive an encouraging word or two that triggers these positive emotions. Subscribe now and get a Special Report. It is Free! Click here, http://www.inspirationalconnections.com