The present day companies involved in IT technology are well skilled in software developments. They adopt a single point stratagem to analyze and understand the client’s requirement, so that they can offer a truly distinctive and effective solution. These software development companies have developed expertise with various kinds of technologies which helps them to work with all kinds of client’s business and professional needs. In order to deliver services as desired for the projects and application, software development company make use of all possible modern high-tech services. The online conferencing services, learning tools, e commerce, catalogs and databases are a few names to mention for starters.

One of the important applications developed by of these companies is Electronic commerce or e-commerce or e-business. It involves online buying and selling of products or services. In other words it can be defined as online trading of products or services. This can be done through electronic media like internet and generally uses the World Wide Web. With growing internet penetration across the world, e-commerce differs with traditional trading process. In this the type of commerce physical presence of a marketing or sales person is not necessary. Also with e-business the cost of setting up is too low as compared to traditional business, where the cost of setting is too high. With the global growing internet penetration, reduced internet surfing charges, increased internet speeds and bandwidth has led this software application to grow manifold. E-commerce can be done as B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) through internet. E-commerce has helped many industries to grow in business and volumes. Some of the main industries directly affected by e commerce are:

Online Travel Services involve travel related business like airline or train ticket booking, Cruise booking, hotel booking, car booking, tours planners and more.
Online Retail services involves business related to online retailers who do business like online selling of products like groceries, garments, foot wears, etc.Consumer Electronics business related to consumer electronic sales and purchase for different companies. The display of product and its features is highly sought for greater business opportunities .

Financial Transaction Services for insurance companies, BFSI and banking industry use financial transaction services to increase their product sales online. Software development company also use financial transaction services to help consumers accept credit cards and electronic check payments online
Many companies outsource their development and operation of their websites to third party software development company to increase their product and service sales through e-commerce. These vendors gain profit by their software sales for e-commerce applications.

Author's Bio: 

Shriv ComMedia Solutions (SCMS) is Software Development Company righteous destination for all those clients, who are seeking to envision the software projects, en route to success. We are the unequivocal destination, where one can have value and satisfaction of outsourcing their software development and software testing services.