When we first look at social health it may be somewhat challenging and overwhelming to recognize and how it fits within everyday living.
The benefits that each you will achieve with your overall health and wellbeing, will come from strengthening your relationships with others.
Giving you vitally important insight into your relationship with yourself as to knowing how you want your life to be.
I want to share with you here how to learn more about how to develop and maintain healthy relationships.
I will show you how the impact of improving your social health will have on improving and strengthening your physical health.
Let’s Clarify Social Health
To clarify or recognize what we mean by social health skills, it is your ability to develop and maintain satisfying interpersonal relationships with other people. It also relates to learning the ability to blend in comfortably to different social situations. Developing the ability to behave in an appropriate manner within a variety of situations. Enjoying having positive, healthy relationships whether that be with spouses, partners, children, co-workers and friends. In developing each of these relationships needs for you to learn strong and effective communication skills . This requires having empathy and understanding for other people. Being accountable for the way in which you have acted or responded to a situation. In developing this it is vital that you learn about you. Your very own internal chatter, feelings and reactions. If you choose to allow negative, vindictive or unrational traits to take over take your behaviours. This is in contradiction to how you want to feel or behave and will therefore have a negative impact on your social relationships, thus having a negative impact on your health. When the response it negative and not monitored by you this will create undue stress. This will then threatened what could be a healthy relationship.
The majority of stress can be managed effectively by developing positive problem solving skills, working away from the ego. To taking time to work from your heart and looking at what is the long term result that you are looking for here. Some examples of this may be a marriage that lasts a lifetime, remain employed as you really want to keep your job and you want to have people to share your life with because it makes it more meaningful.
It is proven that by incorporating exercise, eating a diet of fresh, whole foods, deep breathing and positive self-communication. That is how you talk to yourself, not making yourself better than what you are or worse than what you are. But acknowledging what you are good at, what you appreciate about yourself and the areas in which you still need to grow and learn more.
Three Vital Steps to Developing Positive Relationships
As a human being you are a social being. By that I mean to develop every area of your personality to become the person you were born to be. It is important for you to realize firstly that people and your relationship with people will have a huge effect on your optimal health as well as feeling successful with your life. So to develop effectively these positive relationships and a good standing with your social health, here are some simple steps for you to follow:
1.A sense of giving with no direct expectation. This can be of sharing your knowledge, your skills, putting in that extra effort or energy. Understanding that in order to achieve or get the things that you want in life, it is important to give or behave how you would want that person or situation to be.
2.Develop and build on your own self-esteem
, self-confidence. This doesn’t always come naturally. It comes from overcoming challenges, helping others and learning
new activities that you didn’t think you would be able to do. This will then lead to you becoming mentally and emotionally secure within yourself. Understanding that life isn’t perfect as is no-one else including yourself. It is about always doing and being the best you can be in any given moment. This then will support you with obtaining and maintaining healthy, positive relationships.
3.Know what you want to stand for. How you would like people to see you, what you would like to mean or bring a sense of meaning into their life. This is establishing a sense of your identity. Being your true self, not pretending to be someone or something that you are not this will bring about strengthening your social bonds and bring into your life successful, satisfying relationships.
Over your lifetime you will develop a myriad of varying relationships. These will all of some form of emotional involvement, also known as intimacy . So how close these relationships become will be in your hands. This will vary to how these relationships make you feel.
So if you are with someone whom there is a level of acceptance, but also believes in your abilities to push you a little to doing more or becoming more. You will more than likely have a closer relationship or connection with this person.
If it is someone whom you don’t necessarily feel comfortable with because of their poor interpersonal skills or they may well seem somewhat distant or even adverse to you. These people may be rude, arrogant, no real view of who you really are, then you will more than likely keep this person at a distance.
So determining the level of intimacy or closeness you chose to have with each relationship will become is critical to long-term social health. If you continue with relationships that are toxic either encouraging you to move away from your dreams or goals by bringing into play negative or harmful activities or actions. These are going to be not only detrimental to you achieving the things in life that you want or how you want to be. They will also have a detrimental effect on your health. It is important then when developing intimate and close relationships that these be positive with each of you believing in each other, allowing each of you to be the person you want to be without bringing harm or demise to each other.
You may well find that you will have relationships that will just be acquaintances, people you may have met but there is no real connection. You will have co-workers whom there will little to no intimacy or bond but it will be a matter of accepting this to a degree unless it becomes crucial that a co-worker is causing you considerable stress or grief then it will become necessary to bring this up in a constructive way with your employer. In the case whereby you are the employee or the boss, it may be necessary to look into this further whereby the relationship may need to come to an end for both of you. Due to not being able to come to a fair understanding of the commitment and expectations of the relationships or work that is involved.
Spouses, partners, children and other family members these relationships have varying degrees of intimacy , bonding and commitment. These relationships may go on to develop close bonds that are considered to be love. Love is an emotion that comes about by having an understanding of each person’s value, characteristics and approach to us as well as your life. Love with the most intimate person you may choose to spend your life with takes a lifetime of sharing and caring. Overcoming obstacles together, building a life despite whatever may come across your path.
Seven Steps to Establishing a Healthy Relationship
1.Trust – You must be able to trust the person that they will be there: Reliable: They will be honest with you in matters that concern you both, no matter what: To have faith
in each other that you will both do your Best: To maintain a healthy and positive relationship.
2.Compassion – Taking into consideration the physical and emotional well-being of each person within the relationship.
3.Respect – for each of you, that you are individual people with individual purposes in life. Therefore you will be different in your approach and the things you do. But your values and respect for life and the world around you are similar. Respect each other’s sacrifices that are made to bring about positive outcomes with the relationship – such as time, effort, money, caring and that each of you have different skills to bring to the relationship. These will always be changing as life takes its course.
4.Acceptance – Changing someone else is not within your realm. What does happen over the course of time by establishing positive habits
, committing to being the best you, you can be will bring about positive changes within the people in your life. So prior to establishing a long term intimate relationship my key advice is to ensure to choose someone with values and habits
that you hold true to your heart. Also that you like the characteristics within that person.
5.Reciprocity – A mutual or cooperative interchange of favours or privileges, especially the exchange of rights or privileges of each of you. This may well not necessarily appear of tit for tat the old expression. But it may well be that you don’t take one another for granted and as mentioned your skills will vary, so it will be a mutual exchange of these skills.
6.Sense of Humour –It is vital to your social success, health and wellbeing to always manage to see the funny side of any event. Practice this and it will make life so much happier.
7.Always Think the Best – Sometimes your mind will having you seeing the worst either in a situation or a person. Turn those thinking wheels around to always seeing the best in each person or situation until proven otherwise.
Challenges in Relationships
Relationships may be compromised for a variety of reasons. A lack of honesty or openness, unrealistic expectations and jealousy are all factors that can push relationships to an unhealthy state. For example, a spouse that expects his or her husband/ wife to do the majority of the housework without any display of appreciation may experience a low-quality relationship as a result. Being able to communicate these issues so as not to be seen complaining or in anger can bring about a happy compromise. It may well be with the housework with you both working you may decide to hire someone to clean your house, mow your lawns to take off some of the pressure. This is certainly better than allowing it to have a negative effect on your relationship. When communicating your problems ensure that you use empathy and understanding one another’s point of view then come to a happy compromise or agreement. To have a happy outcome both parties must always be ready to put into place positive changes. If for some reason this isn’t possible and the relationship becomes toxic that is either party bringing harm to themselves or the other person. It may be necessary to bring this relationship to an end. Being honest, considerate and compassionate is the healthiest way to either continue or even if necessary to bring a relationship to an end.
Here is a link that will help you when you have challenges within your relationship
Always Work on Improving Your Communication skills
Communication isn’t just about learning to talk more effectively, a major component to developing great communication is developing your listening skills. This will teach you so much, becoming interested in the other person will take you away from yourself allowing you to develop a healthier and successful relationships. Both verbal and nonverbal methods of communication are important here. By having good body language not slumping, sit up or stand up straight, be present: don’t look around, fiddle with your hair, your nails or flex your muscles. Relax your body be engaged using eye contact, gesture of nodding your head in agreeance, giving feedback that you are listening and understand the conversation. Ask simple questions about life, likes, dislikes and so on. Men and Women are different when it comes to communication. Women tend to want to go over and over a subject, whilst men just want to talk about it once then put it away. Sometimes they may well not want to talk, then it is important to explain the importance and choose a more appropriate time. Maybe going out to dinner together where there are little or no disturbances. But it is always important no matter whether you are a man, woman or child to keep to the point. Not to bring up the past unless it is relevant to your current concern or situation. Don’t move too far into the future, keep it simple to what you can do now to improve the situation.
Happy, Successful Relationships are about each person working on establishing a Healthy, Positive Life
Here is support with Helping to Establish Relationships that are going to support you to Your Positive Life: http://juliedoherty.net/dont-drown-trying-to-save-others/
Helpful Resources:
For Help with Strategies for Optimal Health, Beauty: Taking Care of Yourself from the inside out, get a copy of my EBook Optimal Health the Key to Ageless Aging: https://gumroad.com/l/VBmOF
This is “Great” you are still with me.
“You are Truly Amazing and Committed to improving your Life, I am truly grateful and proud of you”
Connect with Julie:
Julie on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JulieDohertyND
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Julie on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
Empowering You to Optimal Health Julie Doherty N.D
Julie Doherty is acknowledged as Worldwide Leader in Healthcare by The Leading Physicians of the world. She is an exceptionally experienced naturopathic health practitioner with a vast expertise in traditional medicine, herbal medicine, and homeopathic medicine. Julie has over twenty-six years in practice and currently maintains a position at Julie's Naturopathic Health Care Services, her private practice in Hackham, South Australia, Australia, where she provides an extensive array of safe, effective, individual, and non-invasive therapies to assist with overcoming health issues that affect the body and the mind.
Julie graduated with distinctions from S.A. College of Botanical Medicine and Natural Therapies and is an accredited member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society. Her professional qualifications include Naturopathic Doctor, Herbal & Homoeopathic Practitioner in Diet and Nutritional Medicine, Remedial & Therapeutic Massage Therapy, Body Mind Balancing Cognitive Counselling, and Healthy/Lifestyle coaching and Natural Beauty. This solid education has enabled Julie to provide an extensive range of multidisciplinary modalities that are safe, effective, individual and non-invasive to empower each person to optimal health. Julie credits her success to determination and dedicates to her family and traveling in her spare time.
Learn more about:
Julie’s Naturopathic Health Care Services here: www.julieshealthcare.com.au
Julie Doherty N.D: http://juliedoherty.net/julie-doherty-nd/
Julie’s articles, books and courses: http://juliedoherty.net/