For the first time, the coffee plant was found on the mountains in Yemen.
Around the year 1500, it managed to get into the limelight. In India, the first #coffee growing was about around the year 1600.
The coffee arrived in Europe around 1616 and slowly, it spread out all over the world.
Green coffee is commonly referred to as Caffe, Coffee bean, raw coffee, Caffea, Unprocessed coffee or java; while the Coffea arabica is our focal point of discussion today, there are other species of Coffea such as Coffea liberica, Coffea canephora which are all beneficial to mankind too.
Green Coffee in America
The green coffee plant was growing in other parts of the world until 1723 when the plant was brought to America.
Now, South America export about 45 percent of green coffee. However, Brazil is the number one in the coffee export globally, according to farmpally journal 2021.
Roasted coffee beans came for the first time in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1865 in retail.
But almost 100 years later, the important spray drying process has been developed.
From then, the green coffee bean tea consumption has grown tremendously and has become a very popular drink in different countries.
Green Coffee Consumption Stats
The Americans were the ones who had the highest consumption of coffee for years but this later changed dramatically.
In the year 2015, Finland was with 12.2 kg of coffee per capita, the front-runner among consumers.
Germany, however, consumed only 7.2 kg of coffee per capita.
Origin of the name - coffee
Where the name comes from, however, is disputed.
While the Oxford English Dictionary says that the name comes from the Turkish kahveh, others emanate from a legend that the name comes from the province of Kaffa in Ethiopia, where coffee perhaps also has its origin.
Some even claimed it was from Saudi Arabia but was forbidden to be drunk by the Muslims.
In Ethiopia, it is told that a shepherd noticed that whenever goats eat from a certain bush, they were very lively.
He sampled the fruit of the plant and also noticed the stimulant effect as it also make them awake during the middle of the night if it's taken at night.
Monks were aware through this narrative, dried and grind the green coffee beans and prepared the aromatic coffee drink.
Chaktty is a blogger, and media publisher. He's currently an editor at media