The question of lowering cholesterol would appear to be easy for some but more difficult for others. The key to successfully lowering cholesterol is making the necessary changes as easy and simple as possible.

Whenever I tell people that my Cholesterol levels are high they simply don't believe me. They think I'm kidding. I'm 5 feet 5 inches in height, weigh 115 pounds, get a fair amount of exercise and have what most would perceive to be moderate eating and drinking habits . How could my cholesterol levels have gotten so high?

Putting that question aside for the time being, the more important question to address is what is the simplest way in which to reduce cholesterol levels? The first thing to address would appear to be to set about reducing the intake of saturated fats.

I'm a pretty strong willed person and if I decide to do something I don't find it too difficult to make the necessary changes to achieve my goals. So I resolved to reduce animal fats to a bare minimum, cut out my morning cookies, chocolate brownie snacks, red meat, cheese and butter. You get the picture. I have to admit to feeling a little deprived, but on the whole could see the probable long term benefits so resigned myself to that regime.

Four months later I considered it about time to have another cholesterol check. I was feeling pretty pleased with my performance and looked forward to seeing the expected results. That feeling changed when I saw that my cholesterol levels had reduced by the most minimal amount imaginable. It seemed that I had made an awful lot of dietary concessions for a very miniscule benefit. The cost-benefit trade-off didn't seem so good!

Time to reassess the situation. Perhaps I was genetically predisposed to having high levels of cholesterol? Would medication be the best route? I'm a great believer that if you can do something naturally then that is eminently preferable to pursuing a less natural alternative. Medication for me would certainly be a last resort.

My motivation however was wilting somewhat and so it became important to regroup and find additional ways in which to redouble my efforts. Clearly I would have to be super-strict about eliminating all of those saturated fats. No cheating. No kidding myself that a little bit would be OK.

I also started Googling for easy ways to help lose cholesterol. I found a pretty good list of tips to help on WebMD. Only experts provide the information contained therein and so I decided it was a suitably well-researched list of tips to follow.

I started to tick things off the list. I already walked more than 10,000 steps a day. I was already avoiding saturated fats. I was already eating more fiber and lots of fish. I already drank a sufficiently small amount of alcohol so as not to exceed the recommended intake. I'm a non-smoker.

There was also a suggestion to drink Green tea. Now I have to admit to not being fond of the taste. A little additional Googling suggested that taking seaweed/algae tablets daily for an 8-week period could assist in a similar way to reduce cholesterol. And so I signed up to take these as a supplement. That seemed to me to be a simple alternative. I like to keep things simple! If things are simple to effect then they are easy to stick to.

There was also a suggestion to eat a handful of nuts each day. I love nuts and so that was easy to sign up for as well. Being careful, I did check out which nuts were best and was more than happy to comply.

The last recommendation was to switch spreads to those that contained cholesterol-lowering plant compounds. I did try to cook using these types of spreads; rather unsuccessfully I'm afraid, and reverted to cooking with a little dab of olive oil or other "good fats".

I don't tend to eat much food that requires spreads but when I did I used to eat good old butter. Those days are gone now as I have eliminated spreads. But not wanting to miss out on taking something that could be cholesterol-reducing I discovered some yogurts which served the same purpose. I now happily consume two of these every day.

I'm giving myself a six-month period of following my new eating rules before taking another cholesterol test. This seems an appropriate time frame to give my body a chance to reflect these changes. I have resigned myself to the fact that it's not going to be a quick fix for me.

I am sure that many people have traversed this same pathway. I'm not alone in having unexpectedly high cholesterol that proves a little stubborn to shift.

There are many people with less healthy habits than myself who manage to motivate themselves to make serious changes in their eating habits and in their lifestyle. Having a target or a goal is an important factor in motivation and this is also mentioned on that list of tips.

Being able to see those far-off benefits and keep focusing upon them is also a part of the motivation process. If you have trouble in doing this then you will probably find that hypnosis helps. Hypnosis allows you to access your subconscious mind and embed new thoughts, behaviors, habits and goals therein so that you act upon them automatically and instinctively.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for weight loss , health and well-being.

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