I caught myself being insane, and yet I kept doing the same thing over and over. My web goddess has used a Facebook plug-in on my website so people could comment and ask questions once they watched one of my training videos. I promised on the page that I would be responding daily and now I couldn’t post on the page. I kept getting an error message. Argh.
I kept trying different settings on my Facebook profile and it still didn’t work. Stop the insanity, Jeanna. Finally, I let it go. I began softening my focus around finding the solution. It felt so much better than growling at my computer. I vowed that I would not push any more buttons until I got advice from the Facebook guru herself, Mari Smith, or one of the social media ninja’s in the class I’m taking with her.
The intention was set: I will easily attract my solution before the masses begin promoting the video training.
In less than an hour of posting my request for help to Mari’s group it was fixed. I’m not even sure exactly what I did to fix it. But what I do know is that the social media ninjas took me in a direction that I would’ve never focused on. They had me tweak settings on my internet browser. I was previously tweaking settings on Facebook.
Most business owners have a similar reaction to this, when something isn’t going their way. They try to dissect the problem and then turn their brain inside out pushing to find the answer … fast. There is a time and a place to get into the nitty-gritty of a problem and it’s not when you’re feeling angst.
It’s also quite ridiculous to go about creating a solution by attacking many different angles at once. There should be no more than two parts of a puzzle that get your attention when putting out a fire or giving your business a complete overhaul.
There is the inner focus and outer focus. That’s it. And you only get to practice one thing within each of those focuses.
I have a perfect example happening in my life as I write this. I’m about to leave for a week-long vacation with my kids. The timing of the vacation is not ideal from a business perspective. I’ve just launched a new video and tele-training series, so there are lots of details that need to be in place behind the scenes. I’m launching the biggest project of my life (and most exciting!) the week I return from vacation. And the kicker is that my to-do list for all of the above won’t even fit on one typed page in small font.
My inner focus is trusting that this will all come together perfectly no matter what does or doesn’t get done before I leave. I’m focusing on inner peace in general.
My outer focus is to do one or two things each day to prepare for the launch of the new program. I use inspiration as my guide to choose which particular task I’ll accomplish each day.
I’m using the same approach for creating infallible health, too. Since I had my second baby, I’ve not had optimum sleep at night. It’s had a huge impact on my overall health and the way I respond to everyday life. I’ve gained some weight, plus several new health issues have popped up. Nothing life threatening … just several small things that got my attention.
Health issues always scream, “Hey, you! Get more balance and peace in your life. Stop resisting your current reality.”
Most people would tackle each individual health problem. That in itself would be stressful. My inner approach is focus on overall peace , no matter how little sleep I get. The outer focus is on walking and doing yoga every day so that I feel more centered and ‘in’ my body.
I’m doing really well with the daily walking and yoga , so next I’ll be increasing water intake.
Whether we’re talking business or health, everybody and their mother has advice about what you should and should not do. And much of the advice will contradict each other. So, what’s a girl or guy to do?
Stick to what your heart says. You intuitively know what would be the best use of your inner and outer focus. Focusing on one thing at a time will assist you in successfully nailing your outcomes.
And if you want to simplify things even more, all you ever have to do is focus on peace and enjoy yourself. When you focus on well-being, your solutions will begin standing in line to serve you up outstanding profits, health and relationships.
Don’t worry about each little detail when you’re looking for a big-turn-around. It’s not necessary to eek out every single problem at first. One thing at a time is the quickest way through.
Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. An entrepreneur for 20 years she has a treasure trove of kick-butt tools to give you peace & profits. A Gift For You! Get your complimentary Business Building Audio CD “Transforming from Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader” for the entrepreneur who wants to be a SUPERpreneur: Biz Building CD.