Genetic engineering. It is everywhere in our lives, whether we recognise it or not. The question arises as to how humanity responds to it, and what, if anything, we can do about it. In the past, genetics was involved with attempts at selective breeding. Over multiple generations certain traits were chosen as preferable and plants or animals were developed through selection, breeding programs, etc. Eventually over time, the preferred trait was brought forward. it is the method used to breed new varieties or colors or qualities in flowers, for instance. It was not "invasive" even though it was "controlled".
In the Third Reich an attempt was made to create a "master race" of human beings through selective "weeding out" of people the rulers did not favor (the "final solution") and targeted breeding programs, the Lebensborn program. Today's approach to genetic engineering, however, has started to tinker with the actual genetic code of plants or animals (and dare we say, humans?). Plants have been bred that withstand the impact of certain herbicides or pesticides, which then are liberally used to kill off the non-protected plants or insects, while leaving the genetically modified crops alive. Much of the food we eat is genetically modified as a result of this process having been promulgated widely in the agricultural industry.
Concerns arise about the residue of these pesticides and herbicides as they enter both the natural environment, and the human body. Certain classes of cancers appear to be linked to the use of some of these chemicals, for instance.
Now we have an even more invasive process, with the development of gene editing. Science has created tools to actually go into the human gene and edit out specific genes or replace them with other genes. The argument is that we can use these techniques to overcome any number of genetic diseases or weaknesses. Who would not want to, for instance, do away with wasting diseases or a predilection to breast cancer? On the other side, these same techniques can be used to create human beings that have enhanced powers of physical strength or endurance, or higher mental cognition, not to speak of the outer characteristics of skin color, eye color, hair color, etc. Even the covid-19 vaccines are based on gene-editing technology, and who is going to complain about that?
Dystopian thought says that what can be used for positive results can also be applied to create negative outcomes, consciously, to attain and hold power. There is information that certain governments appear to be underwriting projects to create "super soldiers" who are stronger, have more endurance, have heightened sense perception, etc. and who are more docile and able to be controlled by their leaders, making them ideal soldiers. Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, spoke of a world of genetic engineering and cloning that created classes of workers with fixed roles under the control of those who were bred to lead. Mice have been bred to withstand certain ticks that pass on things like Lyme disease.
Others are working on "bio weapons" to target specific genetic characteristics so that one particular group or race could be attacked while others left unharmed, or certain groups made infertile or systematically have their genetic strengths undermined. All of these things are precursors of the world we are creating. So we come to the question about what to do with this technology, how to use it, or not use it; how to control it, or not control it, and what the end result for humanity will be. Most of us have no idea how widely these technologies have both developed and spread and how much they have infiltrated the world we live in, today and in the future.
What potential unintended consequences are there for human beings to create "designer babies" or breed classes of people, or even "weed out" people the leaders believe to be not important to them? What happens when genetic qualities are passed on and get out into the wild? What happens when they mutate spontaneously once they have been released?
Do we really control the genetic processes, or are we arrogantly forgetting that "the best laid plans" can and do go awry in the world of Nature? How do we address these issues in terms of God's plan? Are we willing to turn creation over to human beings?
Santosh Krinsky is author of 15 books and editor in chief at Lotus Press. He has been involved in the natural products industry since 1974