100% of the people who book sessions with me are extremely competent people, most have responsible jobs or other responsible roles in life, yet the vast majority hold themselves back through negative thinking and limiting beliefs about their self-worth.

These people are generally:

* extremely capable people * people pleasers who do not like conflict
* concerned about what others think of them
* overloaded with commitments
* reluctant to say 'No'
* very caring, committed people
* self-critical
* unlikely to put their own interests and needs first
and they tend to dislike any form of rejection
* often reluctant to delegate
* think that asking for help is a sign of weakness

So, when people upset them or do not behave in a way they would hope, they can find the process very painful and turn to self-critical thoughts which do not support their best interests and leave them feelingunhappy and dissatisfied.

The first thing to know is that this more common than anyone reading this probably knows and the second thing to know is that help is at hand!

As my New Years gift to you and as a thank you for following my posts, I would like to offer you a free Mp3 download entitled Quick Confidence Boost.

It's short (only 10 minutes long) which makes it very accessible even to those with a hectic schedule, but very effective at reminding you what a great human being you truly are, allows you to be exactly who you are and gives you some quiet space to enjoy and relax oneven the busiest day.

TO RECEIVE YOUR COPY, please email me on and I'll send it by return.

PLEASE FORWARD DETAILS OF THIS OFFER TO ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY OR COLLEAGUES WHO YOU THINK MAY FIND IT HELPFUL. YOU'LL BE DOING THEM A HUGE FAVOUR! But please also do me a favour by asking them to contact me direct to receive their own recording, as this helps me build my database and get direct feedback which helps me develop relevant and effective products.

This only leaves me to say, whatever your beliefs and whatever festivals you have been celebrating, I wish you a very happy, successful, healthy and peaceful 2010.

With love and thanks to you all

Annie x

Annie Lawler offers emotional & spiritual pain relief through a unique combination of therapies and intuitive coaching.

If you want to know more about how I can restore calm, clarity & confidence to your life using proven techniques which work fast, call me on

0772 581 8884 or contact me on

Breathing Space Therapies
Creating Calm, Clarity & Confidence

Author's Bio: 

Annie’s specialism is in restoring calm, clarity and confidence for her clients through coaching, counsel ling, seminars and recorded products. She is qualified in Stress Management, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP & Reiki.

I spent over 20 years in the advertising industry, reaching Board level.However in the last 3 years in my career, my boss sold the company without securing my future, changes occurred which I found challenging, I found myself having to prove myself all over again and frankly, by the end of it, I burned out. My relationship was at breaking point and so was my heart and I just didn't understand why. I spent a lot of time being very self-critical and generally negative, despite my belief that I had always been a positive person.

In the end, I was made redundant, my marriage failed and my Father died. This was honestly my darkest hour.

So thank goodness then, that, whilst searching for a hobby to keep me in some way sane, I found a Stress Management Diploma Course. It took me 18 months to complete and the training has not stopped since! Within 6 months of starting it, I realised that THIS was what I wanted to do.

I wish I'd known what I've learned through my stress management training 20 years ago. Life would have been a lot simpler and far happier!

Subsequently, I've found a new partner who I feel lucky to be with, I divide my time between London, New York and the South of Spain, work in Stress Management & other aspects of Personal Development and consider myself to be the luckiest person on the planet bar none!

By teaching others what I know and working with people to overcome their own challenges using a variety of proven and effective techniques, I can help them reach the happy, healthy and fulfilled state that is everyone's right and there for the taking, if we're prepared to devote some time to looking after ourselves and to challenge a few of our beliefs and patterns.

My range of Stress-relieving CDs are available on Amazon, through New World Music and via my website .

Annie is invited regularly to speak about her specialist subject at events. She has written articles for traditional and online business & consumer publications

Memberships include The Worshipful Company of Marketors,
Complementary Medical Association
International Stress Management Association
Human Givens Institute
Freeman of the City of London

For further information, please contact Annie Lawler on 0772 581 8884, by e-mail on or visit