Because these are the literal "end times", also sometimes called "the last days" (also a Biblical term), my belief which agrees with that of many others, is that Satan has TURNED UP THE HEAT of warfare on people (so-to-speak). He and his very large grid of cohorts - called devils, demons and fallen angels, are attacking the spiritual lives of men and women, at a greater level than ever before. He desires to hinder the witness for Jesus Christ by Christians and to discourage potential converts to Christ from coming to him to receive eternal life.
This warfare comes in the form of false teachers, who lead hearers into a "false gospel" (Galatians 1:6-8). Many new distractions from very severe, to somewhat milder ones are keeping people away from Christ and hindering saved people's witness for Christ (fruits, callings and gifts of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23 and Ephesians 4:11-16). We do, however, have weapons of spiritual nature to meet this warfare and to even defeat it. Jesus has already won the war - we enter into that victory, through prayer and walking in the light of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:7).
2 Corinthians 2:11 “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”
The Devil's warfare is incredibly sly and cunning. He is an extremely intelligent being and at one time, possibly the greatest angel in Heaven before he committed "iniquity". We cannot thwart his warfare against us through our intelligence or by our physical strength. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual (Ephesians 6), and they are supplied to us by the omnipotent Holy Spirit. Sometimes God's Holy Angels, who outnumber the unholy, fallen ones by at least 2 to 1, will also join in our battle against these wicked attacks against us. In other words, if we depend on God to win our battles against out spiritual enemy, we will be victorious 100% of the time!
I am a graduate of Liberty University (1996) for completion of theological studies (33 college credits) and I completed "Bible Survey" with Assemblies of God - Berean College. I consider myself a "Bapticostal" (a Baptist also having Pentecostal beliefs). Bible studies are one of my most-covered book subjects. I am however, careful to only address those subjects I believe God has given me correct revelation on. I was a Christian Youth Minister, beginning in 1983 for approximately 18 years. During, between and after youth ministries I served in other church capacities as well, including interim pastoring and retirement home ministry. MOST IMPOTANTLY, I am a redeemed man, who has received salvation by acceptance of Jesus Christ (John 3:16).