Be a New Media Radio Show Host 04-22-2010 - Interview with Warwick John Fahy-Author of the "One Minute Presenter" Executive Speech Coach, Workshop Trainer-Facilitator and MC.

Warwick is is an expert in the art and practice of executive public speaking -he has demonstrated that on the show within 15 minutes. We talked about information overload and how do we get our message across effectively when most people are not even in the present listening to what we are saying.

Warwick took us through the eight practical steps from his book:

Step 1: You the Presenter-Become more self aware by taking The One Minute Presenter Questionnaire, learn the key elements of an authentic speaker, face the causes of public speaking fear with 6 fear-busting practical tips.

Step 2: Treasure your Audience-How to paint a portrait of your audience. Understand the difference between demographics and psycho-graphics. Techniques to gather information about your audience. How to create an avatar of your ideal audience. Essential questions to build up a golden avatarprofile. Why today’s audience expectations are so diverse. Four reasons an audience wants to listen to you. How to create a perspective that starts from the audience’s interests.

Step 3: Produce your Message-First, write a 25-word happy ending that summarizes what you want your audience to think, feel and do at the end of your presentation. Second, think like a movie producer to turn your presentation into a concept that can be used in a variety of different presentations. Third, use characters to make your content come alive by using a 5-step business storytelling process. Fourth, pick out key parts of your speech and like a good TV reporter turn them into soundbites and slogans, which become the tag-lines of your message. more information here about the 8 steps:

What to do with our nerves before we start a presentation, radio show, important conversations etc...and how to engage our audience took up the rest of our time. Our discussion was very engaging, I have felt we just begun our conversation. I hope Warwick will return soon!to talk more about How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking .

About Warwick John Fahy: he is the international executive speech coach for senior executives, business leaders and entrepreneurs who need to influence clients, investors, shareholders and team members. His highly practical approach and deep cross cultural intelligence have made him a sought-after business presentation coach throughout the world.

Author's Bio: 

Coach Steve Toth has more then twenty years experience in; life coaching, leadership development, management consulting, professional coaching and culture change. He has worked with hundreds of executives entrepreneurs and professionals as a personal-executive coach. He studied at the Management Consulting Institute, Context Training, Landmark Education, PAIRS Foundation, Transformational Breath Institute, and Naropa University.

In 2003 he founded Real Coaching Institute to provide coaching programs and consulting services
that dramatically enhance individual and team performance in the areas of Sales, Motivation, Leadership, Teamwork, Communication
and Life Balance Management Skills.

In 2007 he founded Real Coaching Radio Network. He is the executive producer and with his team produces over a dozen radio shows weekly.

In 2008 he founded Real Technology Group -to address the gap that exists for coaches, professionals and small business of being effective marketing their passion and/or niche on the Internet. "We are New Media Specialists finding creative ways and using creative tools for your content to be easily found, distributed and shared on the Internet."

In 2009 he created a Joint Venture with My Rx for Living and later became a partner in On-line Interactive Coaching Community and Membership Site. It is a place for motivated, success driven people to focus on improving their lives together; creating financial independence, better relationships, greater ability to communicate, spiritual awareness and improved health and well being. Coaching content in the form of live RCRN radio-TV shows, videos, blogs and lessons are offered on a daily, weekly, monthly basis by Coaches and Course Leaders.