The ancient wisdom texts of the West are a wellspring of information for medically understanding the roots of illness and imbalance from a mindbody perspective. Over my many years of clinical practice, I have been struck by the insidiousness of doubt in its contribution to the development and perpetuation of imbalances in my patient. In the Sermon on the Mount, the Master of Christianity identifies indecision as this culprit and provides an elegant prescription for eliminating it from our lives.

“Let what you say be simply “Yes” or “No”; anything more than this comes from evil.” (Matthew V, 37)

I have dubbed this Rx the Yes OR No Process and regularly prescribe it to my patients. These words contain the seed for creating a model of healthcare consonant with western spirituality and as we delve more deeply we may find the basis for a modern mindbody healthcare paradigm as well.

To learn more about how to eliminate doubt from your life, see The Phoenix Process: One Minute A Day to Heath, Longevity and Well-being at

Author's Bio: 

Gerald N. Epstein, MD, is one of the foremost practitioners of integrative healthcare for healing and transformation. Trained as a Freudian analyst, he abandoned this direction in 1974 to study therapeutic uses of the imagination under the guidance of Madame Colette Aboulker–Muscat in Jerusalem. Since then, he has been a pioneer in the use of mental imagery for treating physical and emotional problems. As his work evolved over the years, he has become a leading exponent of the Western spiritual tradition and its application to healing and therapeutics.

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