Public speaking is often cited as people's number one fear. And I know it was like this for me - I remember as an accountant dreading giving presentations and talks. Then, as I wanted to share things that were closer to my heart, such as my spiritual practice, I realised I needed to get over this fear, and it was at that point that I did a day's course on Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for Public Speaking .

How is a fear of public speaking created in energetic terms? Well, we feel afraid in the present moment when something happens which reminds us of a similar situation where we felt in danger in the past. So, if we were laughed at aged 5 for slipping up over a word, or for getting our lines slightly wrong in the nativity play, we can have that same fear years later when we make an important work presentation. Actually, we revert to having the same resources as we had at the age the first event happened. So, we can go back to age 5 every time we need to give a talk or present some material to a group.

And how does EFT change this? Using EFT tapping whilst "tuning" in to the event that caused us the fear in the first place unlocks the trapped energy in the energy field and means we no longer feel that fear. It really is that simple!

With an issue such as public speaking , there may be several events that it is necessary to go back to. And as we do, we gain confidence in our abilities in the present - and actually function from our full potential, rather than as if we were 5 years old!

That would be enough in itself, but I think there is something else that happens with energy work and EFT - that the energy field in general strengthens, which leads to it being much easier to be in front of a group of people and give a talk.

It can feel energetically and physically very "exposing" to be in front of a group of people giving a talk. You may be the only person facing a big group of people; everyone but you is facing the opposite direction, and everyone is looking at you.

Often, I think we can be energetically "drained" by this situation. It can feel as though, when we look at the assembled crowd, we are losing energy, as though people are "pulling" energy from us, and making us feel weaker.

Actually, this feeling of becoming weaker and of people "pulling" energy from us can only happen when we allow it to happen. Becoming stronger in ourselves, we are able to look out at the people who are there to listen to us, and actually feel stronger. It is as though we can then draw energy from the situation that previously used to drain us.

And yes - that is the case for me. I used to hate the feeling of people's eyes on me, somehow feeling "exposed" and for no particular reason "not good enough." Now, I actually enjoy being in front of a group of people and sharing my message (without needing to hide behind a lectern like I used to!)

This is one of the many "hidden benefits" I have received from energy healing and EFT. Very obviously, I have got my life back from debilitating illness. And yet it is much more than this - these energy tools have literally made it possible for me to be myself, share what is close to my heart and enjoy it in front of a group of people.

Author's Bio: 

Fiona Cutts is an energy healer who specialises in working with clients suffering from ME. You can see more about her work with people struggling with this debilitating condition at . She has herself recovered from ME using a combination of energy healing, the Emotional Freedom Technique, nutrition, graduated exercise, meditation, chi kung and dance. She is an Integrated Energy Healing, in the tradition of Barbara Brennan, an Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner and a reiki practitioner. You can read more about her and the way she works with people suffering from ME at .