6 Powerful Leadership Principles to Bring Out the Best in Your People
As a business growth coach I am often asked the question, “What’s your advice on achieving fast business growth?”
My one line response, “Never try to do it alone.”
Whether you are the CEO or a key manager, the quickest road to fast business growth is through having a team of committed people. Strong development is what will allow you to laser focus on your core areas of competencies and not fall into the trap of wearing too many hats, which will only slow you down.
These leadership skills apply just as true for virtual teams. It does not matter if your team is made up of employees who work in your same building or a group of independent contractors from all over the globe.
So, what does strong development look like?
You don’t have to tell people what to do; they stay a step ahead of you.
You don’t have to physically be there to monitor their work.
You don’t have to nag them or constantly remind them what they need to do.
You don’t have to continually correct their errors and sloppy mistakes.
Your people are highly motivated and highly productive.
Your people are able to self diagnose and solve much of their own day to day work challenges.
The road to having stronger development means taking a closer look and examining your own leadership development in the way you approach managing your people. In this 2-part series you will learn 6 powerful leadership principles from 2 common leadership scenarios.
Here’s part one:
Case Study #1. Manager has been tolerating poor performance.
A newly promoted operations manager I coach was venting her frustrations to me one day about a particular employee she manages. This employee was turning out to be a high maintenance new hire. My client (we’ll call her Beth) shares her chief complaint about her employee (we’ll call him Lloyd) as primarily lacking enough progress and growth.
After almost a year on the job Lloyd was still asking the same beginner type questions, still making the same sloppy mistakes, and still required a great deal of daily direction from Beth. This was draining Beth. She knew managing this one newer employee was diffusing her impact on the other 12 employees she was in charge of.
Observation: Beth waited almost a year to bring this to our coaching session as opposed to addressing this much earlier on perhaps by the 3rd or 4th month of the new hire. Our private phone coaching session examined why she had been tolerating this problem for this long, and in the process uncovered the golden nugget — her take-away on 3 powerful leadership principles.
Beth’s 3 Leadership Principle Learned:
A. “I get what I expect.” During our laser coaching session Beth discovered that early on she subconsciously made the assumption that Lloyd was only there to clock in and clock out. She assumed he was an employee who did not care as much as everyone else and therefore, she began to not have the same expectations from him as she did the other employees. In fact, she realized she labeled Lloyd early on in her own mind as a “low-flyer” and therefore expected Lloyd to continue to behave that way (which he did).
B. “Communicate expectations specifically & clearly.” As it turned out there were only 3 or 4 behaviors from Lloyd that consistently pushed Beth’s buttons increasing her frustration and blood pressure. What Beth didn’t realize was that she was contributing to this problem because she never clearly communicated her expectations of Lloyd. She was using vague language with Lloyd like “I need you to get better”, but she didn’t spell out specifically what changes she was looking for from Lloyd. So, when Lloyd kept falling short of those expectations day in and day out Beth allowed herself to stay stuck stewing in her annoyance with Lloyd.
C. “Performance measured is performance gained.” If Beth wanted Lloyd to improve in his level of productivity she needed to be able to identify with Lloyd his current level of performance in relation to his target level of performance. Because he was not given any benchmarks and targets he had no idea whether his output was acceptable or not acceptable. Measuring performance also allowed Beth to measure and recognize Lloyd’s small wins which snowballed into bigger wins. As a new hire it was also important for Lloyd to feel like he was succeeding.
Corrective Actions: Beth changed her own expectations.
Beth stopped labeling Lloyd’s as “low-flyer”.
Beth created a checklist for Lloyd with a step-by-step procedure on how to edit his own work.
Beth reviewed with Lloyd her written list of expectations and target dates for his performance results.
Beth had Lloyd track his own performance on a daily basis.
Beth also had Lloyd fill out a weekly report where he had to identify his wins, his specific challenges that week and his ideas on how he will overcome those challenges.
Result: The result from these 5 actions above surprised Beth.
For most the year Beth thought Lloyd was not engaged, did not care, was not focused or attentive at work. However, what she discovered was that Lloyd cared a lot about his job and his work. The root problem was that Lloyd was too anxious and afraid he would make a mistake. So, he ended up overcompensating taking too long to complete his projects and asking too many redundant questions of Beth instead of trusting in what he already knows.
Application Questions:
1. What specific poor performance have you been tolerating?
2. Who are the people draining you the most?
3. How long have you been tolerating this?
4. Why have you been tolerating this problem?
5. What proactive actions can you take to correct this problem?
6. When will you take action on this?
Stay tuned next week where I share 3 more powerful leadership tips to help you bring out the best in your people, so you can drive faster business growth.
And, if you liked part one of this article please go ahead and share this content with other entrepreneurs you know. Just be sure to give full attribution.
Here’s to your success!
Business Growth Expert, Yoon Cannon has helped hundreds of CEO’s, Entrepreneurs & small business owners gain dramatic results in your sales, marketing & strategic planning. Yoon’s mission is to encourage, equip and empower Entrepreneurs, so you can accelerate explosive business growth!
Having started, built (and sold) 3 other companies, Yoon offers a fresh, outside perspective from a seasoned entrepreneur. Yoon’s clients represent B2B, Direct Sales industry, Family-Run Businesses, Franchises, Healthcare/BioTech, Law Firms, Manufacturing & Small Business Owners.
Yoon Cannon has been published in The Philadelphia Business Journal, JP Morgan Chase Ink Magazine, ASI’s Counselor magazine, W4 magazine and many others. Yoon is also a frequent guest expert on radio show programs throughout the US. Yoon Cannon continues to be in demand as the featured speaker for many corporate and industry Association conference events.
For receive Yoon’s free 80 min. video training on How to Find Your WOW Factor just click LIKE at http://www.Facebook.com/YoonCannonParamountBusinessCoach To speak to Yoon direct call (215) 292-4947 EST.