There are two ways of losing your house, one is foreclosure and the other is property tax lien. Almost all of the realtors as well as novice realtors know about foreclosure, in which if the individual fails to pay the debt of bank or financer, the property I sold. However, most of the people are unaware of the process of tax lien, more dangerous than foreclosures.
Liens are placed on the property when the individual fails to pay government taxes on the property. The liens cover all of your personal, real estate and business properties including vehicles. The lien also covers your bank accounts thereby making it almost impossible to perform money matters.
According to Dean Graziosi when a lien is placed on the property of an individual, he literally loses his control over the property. Now the property is under control of the government. In case if the taxpayer clear his lien, the property will be handed back to the owner. If the taxpayer fails to pay the tax, government seizes the property.
Here it is also important to note that once the notice is issued, individual cannot pay the debt in installments. A lien tax is always paid full and in one installment. Dean Graziosi urges his students to fulfill all their taxes and legal obligations. If an individual tries to cheat government, skip taxes and avoid law procedures, he will sooner or later lose his entire property and dignity in the business world. Remember there are no shortcuts to avoid taxes.
Dean Graziosi is a successful real estate millionaire. He started real estate business some 20+ years ago at the age of 18. Today he has achieved apex of his profession. Now he is earning millions of dollars with every passing year. He is one of the most famous TV infomercial personalities. He also conducts live events throughout America.
Dean started his career with Motor Millions business. He started by dealing with auto parts. Soon he arrived in the field of real estate and since then never looked back. Dean belongs to Arizona America. He lives at Phoenix with his wife and two kids. He is still teaching novice and aspirants skills and techniques of real estate. Dean believes that in order to achieve success in any field, one must understand basics of that field.
When one enters in to the field of real estate, it is almost impossible to avoid foreclosures, liens and other such adverse situations. In order to cope with the situation according to law it is important that you must understand there are ways with the help of which you can avoid foreclosures and liens. Following are shared some factors with the help of which you can avoid entering into property tax lien.
Pay the Taxes on Time:
Best way to avoid entering in to foreclosure or entering into tax lien is to pay all your debts and taxes on time. Here it is also important to note that once the lien is placed on your property you have to have a price double the worth of your original tax debt
. In addition to this, almost all of your property is covered under debt of lien. Your name is placed in government's records of lien therefore making it difficult to purchase or sell any new property.
Avoid Purchasing a Property Under Debt :
An excellent and comparatively easy way to avoid entering into tax lien is to avoid purchasing a property that is already under debt.
Dean Robert Graziosi born November 20th, 1968 is an American real estate investor and expert, TV personality, businessman, Entrepreneur, bestselling author and motivational speaker. Graziosi is perhaps best known for his long running infomercial series on late night TV (since 1999 until present) where he offered his real estate books direct to consumers. He has written five books which have dominated the real estate book sales space starting in 2006.
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