What is your real purpose in life? You were put on this earth through an act of love, you were loved and nurtured and you grew into adulthood. You may find yourself looking around you and asking “Ok world, I am here, now what?”
The key to a fulfilling life is attuning to who you truly are. You are far more than that image in the mirror. Sometimes we try to deny, ignore or even suppress our true selves. When you set goals according to a set of ideals that is not truly your own, it will leave you with a sense of emptiness and loss.
In order to tap into the source of who you are, look deep within your heart. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet is the line “This above all: to thine own self be true.” Wiser words were never written. You have to be true to your heart and true to who you really are inside.
Part of being true to yourself is self love and self acceptance. See that image of yourself and surround it with all the love in your heart. When you can accept who you are and love yourself, then others will follow suit.
Once you align yourself, your life’s path and purpose will become clear. It is this alignment that will help you create the most fulfilling and exciting life. The first step is deciding who is looking back at you in the mirror.
Each of us goes through this identity and purpose dilemma; it is a natural part of our existence and evolution. So let me help you through this common crisis- you were meant to do work that comes from LOVE. You were brought into the world through the power of love and now you must continue your work in this world through the vessel of love. When you are expressing your gifts and talents in the world, you operate from the broader all-knowing wiser part of you.
This wiser part of your being is Source Energy through your Higher Self. When you tread through this world and life, tapping into this infinite fount of love and wisdom you create work that feels easy and is effortless and flowing.
When you come from a position of service, you can truly connect at a level of higher understanding and wisdom . This connection happens early on in the relationship. Seek clients who are a perfect match to you and let any clients less than a perfect match go. Understand that if they are not perfect for you, you are not perfect for them, so letting them go allows them to find their match while you find yours. In fact, you are doing yourself and your clients a disservice by working with people who aren't a match for you.
When you align yourself with your Higher Self, abundance will abound within your marketplace, within your authentic expertise, without needing to be all things to all people. When you come from a position of service and of love, with clients that are your match, something wonderful happens - clients are transformed. This transformation comes from your connection to your Source serving those you are meant to serve. You will find that focusing your life and work in this way and let all the rest go, your work, your clients, and your business begin to flow easily. When you step up to who you really are and flow from love and purpose, doing what you came here to do and aligning yourself with your perfect group of people you were meant to serve, you find that you are playing at a much higher level in the world.
If you’re ready to learn how to have your own direct channel of spiritual guidance, let me help you get started! I invite you to download my free gift to you, an audio of “How to Connect With Your Own Divine Guidance and Get Answers Now!” This is your first step in learning how to connect with your own spiritual Guides and start channeling their guidance, love and support.
Eva Gregory, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity and Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson and Jeanna Gabellini, is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To receive her free ezine visit http://www.leadingedgecoaching.com/ezine