If the leadership within any organisation wants to leverage the most from everyone within their operation, they must realise that the individuals within each of their teams, is the most valuable assets their company has. The greatest value can only be realised from each team member, if there is sufficient investment made, into converting all the existing and new individuals into passionate, productive contributors, who add
real value to the team’s business synergy.
This may sound harsh, but if any existing or new team member, receives all the support possible, yet refuses to change and become a valuable contributor to the team, then it is imperative that the you as the leadership has the foresight to assess this as soon as possible and then you must have the courage and fortitude to replace these individuals with new members that are more suitable to the team dynamic. These are really tough choices to make, but are sometimes the only option available if you want to develop and attract the right calibre of people that will meet your team’s needs, performance criterion and team dynamic. One rotten apple in a barrel of perfectly fresh apples will soon cause the entire barrel to start to rot.
As you build, support and invest into creating a team of passionate, productive and driven people with a common objective and vision, you have the makings of a “DREAM TEAM” Each member of the “DREAM TEAM” does not only become a powerful contributor to the overall success of the team, but also gets to really enjoy what they do, thereby gaining richer and deeper career satisfaction along the way.
To leverage the maximum from every individual in each of your teams, it is imperative that each leader is qualified to lead that team. This means that each team leader must be a perfect example of the productivity, passion
, drive and results they expect from each individual team member. Who you are speaks volumes, strive to always be the example you would want to follow. Each leader must also have an intricate knowledge of each team member’s strengths, weaknesses, skills and knowledge. This will equip the leader to utilise each team member as effectively as possible and to offer the correct support to help team members develop the correct skills and knowledge.
Action Idea: Invest time to carry out an audit on each team member and carefully assess their strengths and weaknesses. The results that you will enjoy from your teams, is limited by the weakest link in each team, so understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. Invest sufficient resources into developing everyone in your teams, so that you can ensure that every one is operating at the required standard necessary to succeed.
The information you gather about the strengths and weaknesses of each individual in your team, must be used wisely to ensure that you always present tasks to each individual’s area of strength. This way you will always get the most from each team member and ensure that each team member is delivering at their full potential.
During the audit, also try to assess if there are any leadership, knowledge or other skills that may need to be improved in your team members, as any lack of skill or knowledge in these areas will dramatically reduce the performance of your team. Ensure that these issues are urgently addressed and corrective action taken immediately to remedy any shortcomings. You cannot ever have a “DREAM TEAM” without people with adequate skill, knowledge and without each team member acting as a great example to every other member.
If you want to be a great leader, who leads a group of inspired and driven members of a “DREAM TEAM”, then have a clear vision that is clearly communicated and understood by all team members, create a safe and supportive environment in your organisation, where you focus on the few leadership basics I have highlighted above and strive to lead your team by example. This will allow your team to become a magnet for top talent and incredible teamwork. The team’s processes will become organic, routine and effortless, allowing the team to work as a synergistic unit to realize all their objectives.
As you grow as an authentic leader, who acknowledges your responsibility toward encouraging real enthusiasm within your team and you strive to help each team member develop a real, sense of pride and self-motivation, where you consistently inspire all your team members with your perfect example, you have created a “DREAM TEAM”.
Andrew is an expert and master teacher that speaks and teaches self-leadership, expanded awareness, effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. He guides individuals and business professionals, to identify, prioritise and carry out the right activities, consistently, so that they can maximise their personal effectiveness and deliver their best; on time, every time. All the tools and techniques Andrew teaches; have been tested in the laboratory of his own life and the many successful businesses he has owned and led, over the past 20 years. These strategies have seen Andrew achieve financial independence and reach a point of harmonious balance in all areas of his life. His purpose is to help as many people as possible, achieve similar or better results and to show them how they can realise their full potential, both personal and professionally and to help them live a meaningful life, where they are fulfilled in all areas. http://www.andrewhorton.co.za