Everyone is unique and choosing the best multivitamin that will work for your unique body is important for it to have any effect on you. Everyone has different needs. Toddlers and school age children have different needs then teens. Men have different needs then women. Older people have different needs then younger people. The list goes on and on! The point is that finding the best multivitamin for you is important for optimum health. One size does not fit all when it comes to finding the best multivitamin.
Needs per Age Group
2 to 12 Year Age Group
This age group is made up of children who are picky eaters. This is the age group where children begin to develop their own personalities and food preferences. Unfortunately, many children during this stage steer away from those foods that are good for them and are all too happy to pass up green beans for a candy bar. Of course, parents will not generally allow them to replace green beans with a candy bar, but it is still like pulling teeth trying to get a three year old to choose the green beans.
The best multivitamin for this age group is one that tastes great, but is sugar free. It must also provide higher levels of the important nutrients necessary for children at this age. An all natural company is a great place to look for the best multivitamin for your child in this age group.
Young Adults up to 18 Years Old Age Group
During this age, teens are experiencing more freedom. They have more access to "junk food" as they tend to be places more often without their parents. Because of these high sugar and starch consumptions, their bodies are susceptible to brittle bone development, juvenile diabetes, early stages of arteriosclerosis, depression , and liver strain. Liver strain can process high levels of hormones that can lead to severe fatigue.
The best multivitamin for this age group would be a multivitamin that contains minerals for good bone development and nervous system support for stress management . It will also contain vitamins for the major organ functions and special antioxidants to protect against aging and poor cell development. It should also contain digestive enzymes and other vitamins to boost the immune system, such as: vitamins, C, E, A, and others.
Boys should choose iron free versions unless they need iron according to their pediatrician. Girls need iron on a regular basis, especially during their pre-menstruating and active menstruating. The best multivitamin is all natural, sugar free and has the necessary nutrients to target the above areas.
Needs per Gender
• The best multivitamin for women is one that focuses on stress management , maintains a healthy body for pregnancy , and maintains a healthy bone density. Women need to maintain that healthy bone density since bone development is done by this stage of your life. You should choose a multivitamin that contains the necessary vitamins and minerals to address common issues for women, such as low thyroid function, low calcium, low zinc and magnesium consumption due to dieting. It also should contain antioxidants to prevent heart disease .
• Men are at risk for heart disease . Iron consumption can be a risk for heart disease and cancer and is building up in the body. It is essential that men do not take a multivitamin that contains iron. Men should get the correct amount of zinc and copper to prevent erectile dysfunction. The best multivitamin should contain minerals to promote healthy blood pressure and antioxidants to help prevent high cholesterol.
Choosing the best multivitamin for you is essential to your health. An all natural multivitamin that contains the necessary nutrients for your needs is the best multivitamin for you.
Barb Lulay, an Education Health Specialist and owner of Health and Harmony, has helped thousands of people reduce their risk of becoming the next statistic. By using a phenomenal yet simple system called Extreme Health Makeovers, she has taught thousands of people to not only reduce their risk of major illnesses but also to improve their overall health. Having the best multivitamin can drastically improve your heart's health and immune system. Visit http://www.ExtremeHealthMakeovers.com where you can choose from a wide selection of natural supplements.
Barb Lulay, an Education Health Specialist, uses a phenomenal natural anti aging system that has helped thousands of people to not only regain their youthfulness but also to reduce their risk of cancer. Visit The Ultimate Guide to Anti Aging to learn more. To find top quality, paraben-free anti aging products plus effective anti aging supplements, simply visit the ultimate Anti Aging Products now.