There are many different spiritual disciplines and methods, and also different experiences of consciousness that result from practice of these methods. For those who aspire to bring the soul, the psychic being, forward and active in the physical body and life, Sri Aurobindo describes several methods. When he speaks here of meditation, it is with a specific locus of consciousness deep behind the heart centre, as meditations that focuses above the head, or between the eyebrows are not fixed on bringing forward the psychic being, per se, but are aimed at liberation or oneness with the universal, or some other aim. The psychic being is the part of the Divine that is embodied in the individual being and when it comes forward, it has the ability to bring with it peace and joy even as the outer being faces its challenges and struggles.
For most people, the psychic being is not directly experienced as they live primarily in the surface consciousness of the body, life and mind. Actions are motivated by external stimuli and goals, and many even challenge the very existence of the soul, simply because they themselves do not recognise it and understand its action.
For those who can and do experience the action of the psychic being, there is a feeling of completeness and a peace that is based in the separation of the soul from the weaknesses and limitations of the outer being, the soul not being troubled by any difficulties which arise, in complete faith in the Divine and the Divine providence.
Sri Aurobindo observes: “The ease and peace are felt very deep and far within because they are in the psychic and the psychic is very deep within us, covered over by the mind and vital. When you meditate you open to the psychic, become aware of your psychic consciousness deep within and feel these things. In order that these ease and peace and happiness may become strong and stable and felt in all the being an in the body, you have to go still deeper within and bring out the full force of the psychic into the physical. This can most easily be done by regular concentration and meditation with the aspiration for this true consciousness. It can be done by work also, by dedication, by doing the work for the Divine only without thought of self….”
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Living Within: The Yoga Approach to Psychological Health and Growth, The Psychic Being and Psychological Health, The Psychic — Source of Inner Well-Being, pp. 119-122
Santosh has been studying Sri Aurobindo's writings since 1971 and has a daily blog at and podcast at He is author of 16 books and is editor-in-chief at Lotus Press. He is president of Institute for Wholistic Education, a non-profit focused on integrating spirituality into daily life.