Happy New Year! I hope you’ve been having a lovely holiday season. This is the time of year when we reflect upon the past and look forward to the future - 2017. Some of us even create New Year’s resolutions based on how well the last year went. What were the highs and the lows? What did I learn from 2016 which will shape 2017?

Once I had a friend that said she didn’t like learning lessons. Well, that’s the whole deal. Life is filled with them - lessons. When we don’t learn from our mistakes we’re not only doomed to repeat them but we’re not expanding and growing much as human beings. With each layer of pain and hard lesson, we have a layer or two of growth. We become more and more of who we really are. This is the same with butterflies. They don’t simply shed one layer of skin and become a butterfly. They molt 5 times. With each layer they get closer to their butterfly.

Nothing happens before its time…

Another example is in the popular children’s story, The Velveteen Rabbit which is a tale about ‘becoming’ or growing up. We ‘become’ from our mistakes, disappointments, sadnesses and experiences that challenge us. According to Margery Williams: “You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept….”

Be unafraid of the disappointments of 2016. Know that it is all part of your becoming which will make you stronger, more resilient, kinder and wiser as a human being. It’s a new year. It’s a new you. Step into your 'butterfly' and soar!

Happy, healthy and prosperous 2017 to you all!

Daydree Horner is Reiki Master/Teacher, The Good Love™ Coach and Certified Life Coach at her company MyOshun. She practices at BodyMind Systems Medical Center in Santa Monica, CA. For more information on all MyOshun services visit: http://www.myoshun.com

Author's Bio: 

Daydree Horner is the Good Love Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher and Certified Life Coach at MyOshun. Her goal is to help clients create the ideal environment for personal transformation to occur, where they envision and can manifest the life they truly desire. Her business offers services that help mindfully assist the individual in accessing their own healing, success, transformation and ultimate joy. MyOshun offers Reiki, Couples Reiki, Certified Life Coaching, The Good Love™ Coaching, and à la carte Dating Services such as, Virtual Love Assistant and Goddess Party. Daydree's warm, enthusiastic and focused approach helps clients disarm fear, access their gold within and connect to inner joy. Daydree Horner practices at BodyMind Systems Medical Center in Santa Monica, CA.