When you have a goal or desire that is important to you, do you ever go into mental overdrive before you see the results? I know I have. I know my coaching and teleclass clients do.

You can go into overdrive in several ways:

• Think about every scenario possible that could go wrong.

• Think about solutions for every scenario that could go wrong.

Anxiety strikes, and when your head hits the pillow at night you have one-sentence mental loops like, “I’m not going to have enough money. I’m not going to have enough money.”

• Waver back and forth between two or three plans of attack to manifest your goal.

• Stew on the fact that you don’t know how to get the desire. You feel unclear and create anxiety on “being stuck” or not knowing the next steps.

• Finally you create a plan for what you’ll do as a worst-case back up. Now you’re just flat out worn down and feel mentally beaten up.

If your back up plan doesn’t feel good, don’t count on it. Use a back up plan to soothe you, knowing you at least have a plan. Then make another decision. Make a plan, an intention, for the way you’d like to have it happen.

I have a perfect example of this. I had a rather large expense that I hadn’t planned. The cash was not available, and the due date was looming. I say looming because I had begun to feel tension about not knowing how I was going to pay for it.

My mind searched for the worst-case scenario back up plan. The best I could come up with was to put it on a charge card. I checked in with how it felt. Not ideal, but hey, it’s a worst-case back up plan.

I let the back up plan take away my tension. Then I made the real plan: Attract new cash. Well, there was really no plan for how to do that. I just decided it would be so.

I checked in with my inner guidance and kept receiving the message that the money would arrive. I was going on pure trust because I was seeing no evidence that any new substantial amounts of money were coming to me.

Then the “how’s” began to arrive. I called the company to which I owed the money and asked if they could give me another week. The answer was yes. Cool.

Then I began to take a stand for the value that I bring to my current and future clients. I began speaking differently to inquiries about business. It wasn’t what I was saying but who I was being. It was a not a conscious effort. It just happened. The result was more than enough money.

Two days later the money I needed for the expense showed up- and so much more. The back-up plan was long forgotten by then. If you don’t have a plan, make a decision. Your best-case plan will unfold.

Author's Bio: 

Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. An entrepreneur for 25 years she has a treasure trove of kick-butt tools to give you peace & profits. Get your complimentary audio “Transforming from Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader” here: Biz Building CD.