Archangel Jophiel also Zophiel
Beauty of God”

Dispels doubts, brings wisdom and consciousness.
Messenger of the secrets of the heart.
Archangel Jophiel teaches us that all is learning and teaching until we understand the divine plan and reach our goal of uniting with the Creator.
Helps to clear clutter and to stay in Higher Self focus of bliss, love & joy.
He helps in absorbing information, studying for and passing tests, dissolution of ignorance, pride, and narrow-mindedness,

Associated Direction: Heavenly realms
Associated Element: Ether
Associated Season: Summer
Associated Colour Ray: Yellow and gold.
Associated Sense: all.
Associated day of the Week: Monday
Associated Chakra: Solar plexus,
Planetary assignment: Saturn
Celestial Order: Seraphin
Life Lesson: Learn continuously.
Assignation: wisdom, intelligence, mental strength and enlightenment .
Celestial Title: Angel of the beauty of creation.
Main Issue: fulfillment.
Needs: complete trust in the creator.

“Scent of Celestial Beauty

Contains the following Essential Oils:
Benzoin Styrax benzoe
Bergamot Citrus bergamia
Roman chamomile Anthemis nobile
Helichrysum Hekychrisum italicum ssp serotoninun
Petitgrain lemon Citrus limonum
Narcissus Narcissus poeticus
This synergy of 100% pure, undiluted Essential Oils will help us clarify the message about our life mission:
Put 1 or 2 drops of the synergy on your forehead and draw with your finger the 5 star sign and ask to receive the loving message from the Divine.
Another way is to put 3 drops in the palm of your hand, rub your palms together, then smell the aroma, and wipe your aura, to get rid of any negative influence. To purify a space, or after a death, put 5 drops in each corner of the room starting from the East and ask Jophiel to protect us and the space around us from any negative effects or entities. You can also rub 3-4 drops on lower back to bring strength, self confidence and
trust as the angel watches over you.
You may also choose to apply 3 drops on your hand and massage your feet and solar plexus while repeating this mantra:
“Jophiiel please fill up the air around me with your ray.

Archangel Jophiel Synergy Spritzer spray around yourself and your space then take a three deep breaths with your eyes closed, the aroma will make you feel a shift in energy.
This synergy contains the Hydrosols of: immortelle, cistus rose and lavender and the Crystal energies of rutilated quartz, ametrine and sugilite.

Author's Bio: 

About Doctor Vivian As a professional speaker, bestselling author (Alternative Medicine, Aromatherapy), facilitator, and Certified Csomtos Psychotronics Master Intuitive, Doctor Vivian inspires her male and female students to connect deeply to their inner higher wisdom. Through workshops, semomars, circles, and private sessions, Doctor Vivian offers tools and processes that help participants to open and engage their hearts and their intuition with the love and wisdom within them. She is a certified Crystal Healer, Colour Practitioner™, Reiki Master, Crystal and Atlantean Reiki Master, She is also a Aromatherapy Educator and International Teacher, Instructor and Healer.
She may be reached via her e mail: doctorvivian@shaw.ce
Or her web pages: