Commitment, dedication, focus, intention and persistence are all key attributes we must have when we want to achieve our goals and live our dream. But the true key that unlocks the big doors is hope. We must consistently apply hope in order to dream it and live it.

Hope is a feeling that something desirable is likely to happen. There is an expectation of obtainment. When we set out to fulfill our dream, the fuel behind the passion is hope. We don’t dream and then expect it not to happen. Whether we name it, realize it or not, hope is there causing us to say, “I have a dream and I believe I will live it.”

Hope is what keeps us moving forward in spite of mishaps or setbacks because hope is the power which causes us to anticipate and have optimism. It is the desire accompanied by expectation. For example, when we were children and we fell down, we got back up no matter whether the wound was a scratch or we needed a band-aid. We got back up because we anticipated the next thing that was going to happen. The fall was our focus for only a short time. We were optimistic about going back outside to continue playing. We desired to go back outside and we expected it.

Hope is the underlying foundation for your dream because it is one of the main sources of success. Hope is there without any basis for expecting fulfillment. It’s just there. Quietly, consistently yet firmly it is the heart that beats and the base that supports our dreams .

Applying hope so you can dream it and live it has a look. There is a shape and a form around the life of someone who actively applies hope. One of the first things that will be seen is a person who takes risks and chances. This person is always doing something like going to networking events, meeting new people, trying to produce or sell new products or services. They take risks to make their personal or business lives better or to the next level from where they are now to where they want to be.

The person who applies hope has a way of always looking at the possibilities and not the problems. There is always a new opportunity or something else they want to try, learn or experience. They seem to never remain stuck in an unfortunate mishap or when they do find themselves in a difficult situation, they are talking more about the solution than the problem. Their attitude seems to keep them rising above anything negative that is going on around them.

They also have a strong desire which they want to fulfill and a plan to carry it out. This is not the person who is looking for something to do; they already have activities in place for their daily lives. This person understands how to work hard as well as play hard. Maintaining their priorities is first on their list and they do whatever it takes, making adjustments along the way to follow and live their dream.

c/o 2013 Cynthia L. Hatcher

Author's Bio: 

Cynthia L. Hatcher is an Inspirational Goal Strategist Coach assisting professionals in achieving their personal and professional goals.