It is extremely rare for anyone to exceed their own expectations, so if you can only see yourself achieving mediocre results, that is exactly what you will experience in your life. If you want to break free and create a life of meaning and satisfaction. You must first commit to create a vivid picture of exactly what you want in your mind’s eye and then believe that it is possible for you to achieve just that.
Michael Angelo coined the phrase "People stop themselves from achieving their full potential not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit" Now is the time to accept that you can achieve almost anything, if it feels natural and possible for you and you are prepared to take action to make it happen..
Action idea: Find yourself some quiet time, sit, relax and breathe deeply, search within and ask yourself these few simple questions.
•What is my maximum?
•Why do I feel that is all I can achieve?
•What can I do to raise the ceiling on what I believe to be my maximum?
•Is my commitment to ongoing learning
, expansion and growth adequate?
Examine all the answers you come up with and try to discover the action you need to take to start moving toward achieving your full potential.
It is crucial that you realize that no one’s opinion about what you can achieve matters. All the opinions of other people offer you, is feedback and information. The only opinion that matters at all is yours. There are many documented stories where scientists who measured, experimented and came up with empirical evidence, to support their claims, that mankind had reached their limit in a specific area. Only to be proved wrong soon afterwards, by people who did not listen to them or believe what the evidence showed.
One of the most well-known cases is that of Roger Banister. The scientists of the day believed that it was impossible for a man to run under 4 minutes for the mile. Their experiments showed that mankind did not have the physical ability to sustain the effort required. Roger Banister did not believe them and despite what other people thought and said, he saw himself breaking that barrier.
The miracle was not found only in the fact that Roger Banister actually ran below four minutes for the mile, but that soon after he proved it was possible, a number of other people also achieved the impossible and ran below four minutes for the mile too. Athletes now routinely run under four minutes for the mile at training sessions.
I know that you are capable of achieving far more than you believe possible for yourself, the secret for you to unlock all these possibilities available to you and turn this into your future reality. Is for you to stop listening to what people and your environment are telling you is possible and for you to begin believing in yourself.
You can increase the number of opportunities available to you, if you stop only believing in possibility, when you can see evidence, which proves it is possible for you to achieve it. The saying "When I see it I will believe it" is not true. The wiser way to think about this is to see things differently and rather say to yourself. "When I believe it, I will see it". After you make this shift, you will soon realise that everything is possible for you. If it feels natural for you and you believe it is realistic for you to achieve it.
The process is simple:
•First conceive the idea
•Explore the idea and see if it feels natural for you to achieve it
•Believe it is possible for you.
•Grow your knowledge and skill to align with your idea
•Take inspired action daily and anything becomes possible for you
Now all that is left for you to do is to decide what you want and then to follow the simple process described above and you can bring fulfillment and meaning into your experience. To get started answer these few questions listed below:
•What do you believe you are capable of achieving?
•What do you want to have, do and be?•What is the maximum amount of skill, knowledge or ability you see yourself obtaining?
•How many meaningful business connections do you see yourself making?
What are you waiting for; begin making the positive changes you need in your life.
Andrew is an expert and master teacher that speaks and teaches self-leadership, expanded awareness, effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. He guides individuals and business professionals, to identify, prioritise and carry out the right activities, consistently, so that they can maximise their personal effectiveness and deliver their best; on time, every time. All the tools and techniques Andrew teaches; have been tested in the laboratory of his own life and the many successful businesses he has owned and led, over the past 20 years. These strategies have seen Andrew achieve financial independence and reach a point of harmonious balance in all areas of his life. His purpose is to help as many people as possible, achieve similar or better results and to show them how they can realise their full potential, both personal and professionally and to help them live a meaningful life, where they are fulfilled in all areas.