In the midst of our lives, hungry, thirsty and often weary,
there comes a moment when we stop and wonder, “Is this allthere is? Is there another way to live my life that will
bring the joy and contentment that eludes me?”

Caught in the patterns of our lives, each of us has an intuition of something beyond the way we are now living. This something has the power to dispel sorrow and transform our lives into one of wholeness and joy. It has the power to heal division and offer the strength, compassion and refreshment we all desire.

This is what happens as we live from the wisdom
within, our true nature, the essence of who we are. Rather
than seek to fulfill everyone else’s beliefs and
expectations, when we turn within for wisdom and guidance we
have a way of seeing things differently. Rather than respond
automatically, we are true to ourselves, to our own
perception and vision and then have the opportunity arises
to look at the world through fresh eyes.

As we do this, we can often grow like flowers, planted
in the soil of our daily concerns. This may also be called,
living our lives from the inside out, trusting ourselves and
our own intuition .

As we begin to do this, we develop a new way of knowing and of being in the world. We do not analyze, explain or justify what happens. Rather than try to mold or control our experience, we simply make friends with it, become acquainted, let it instruct us and be our guide.

First Steps

As we embark upon this pathway, there are certain pointers
and warnings which are helpful. Some are listed below: Asthey become part of your daily lives, you will easily and
naturally see how your relationships benefit as well.

Pointers and Warnings

Take a deep breath. We are not going anywhere fast. In fact,
we are returning – back to our original home. Put down
fantasies, hopes, expectations for a moment. Just simply
learn to be where you are. Sit still without moving, and
take in all that is going on now. Don’t judge it, hate it,
push it away. Be with everything, just as it is. Including

Pointer 1 - Stop Looking For A Quick Fix

A great danger in our lives is looking for a quick fix,
believing there are all kinds of wise ones around who have
the answers for our lives. That is not the point here. As
they say, “Don’t put a head on your head. What’s wrong with
your own, anyway?”

Pointer 2 - Give Up Unnecessary Pressure

Most of the time we create all kinds of goals and drive
ourselves crazy to reach them. We measure our progress,
compare ourselves to others, judge ourselves relentlessly.
This is not our way. Here we focus upon each breath, each
day, each moment and experience it totally. One complete
breath brings the next. This path is made by walking .

Pointer 3 - Go Back To The Beginning

Many are constantly seeking more and more, exploring new
territories, ideas, relationships. They then feel they are
advancing and gaining ground. However, many rush forward
without really knowing where they are going. Once they
arrive, they quickly set a new destination and start rushing
to it again.

Our way is to return to the beginning. We stop, sit down,
look within. We remember where we came from, who we are
and where we are headed. We also remember to take
care of our simple lives as well as the lives of others
along the way. By returning to our original nature, we
remember how to sit, breathe, eat, play and re-claim the
excitement, joy and adventure we felt as children, but lost
along the way.


Author's Bio: 

Discover The 2000 year old Zen secrets for being calm,
balanced and positive, no matter what’s going on in Dr Shoshanna’s program, Living By en, ‘ Psychologist, speaker, author and long term Zen practitioner she has helped thousands become strong, stable and fulfilled. Contact her at,or .
(212) 288-0028.