The Law of Attraction is a tool to help you guide your thoughts into a better feeling place by providing an understanding that your are an energetically vibrating being. Science has been telling us that we are all made up of energy, and that energy in the Universe is neither created nor destroyed. It's just changing in form. So, the condensed version of all this is that we are all one and we are all made up of this same vibrating energy. This has been an important lesson for me because when I see someone who would have made me angry or offended, I realize that I must have been vibrating in a certain place to attract that person into my life and I must have had some of that within me somewhere!

I would like to talk about why the Law of Attraction is not just positive thinking. Yesterday I was handed a large serving of Contrast. Something happened that did NOT feel good to me. People who know me sometimes think that because I consciously apply the Law of Attraction into my life that unpleasant things don't happen to me, but that's not true. I am much happier than I used to be and when I do take an emotional dip, it's relatively easy now to guide myself into feeling better and it just keeps getting easier. With the Law of Attraction, I now have tools that I didn't have before to be able to do something about the bad feelings when I do feel them. What the Law of Attraction gives you is control over your life and your feelings, which is really, YOUR LIFE!

The message of the Law of Attraction is much more than to be completely happy and positive all the time. First of all, this is not possible, because we are human. We are supposed to feel the Contrast in order to help us to create more deliberately and with more desire. Contrast is what makes life interesting and all of the variety helps us all to create more amazing things in areas such as the arts and the sciences. Using the Law of Attraction helps you to have more awareness of our emotions which gives us conscious control over our life experiences. We can choose to make things feel better, OR we can choose to let our feelings, "spiral". When you let negative feelings take over and spiral out of control into more negativity, you are using the Law of Attraction reactively and it will bring you more negative results.

The goal is to learn to guide your feelings to relief. When you go from a bad or negative feeling vibration to a feeling that gives you relief, that feeling of relief is telling you that you are going in a positive direction, which means you are moving to more positive, (or even just a less negative) feeling. When you do this, you change the momentum of the Law of Attraction, which means that you have the power to stop the "negative spiraling" that can happen to all of us.

It is quite important to recognize that the Law of Attraction is NOT just about positive thinking . Trying to "think positive" all the time, no matter what, just makes you mask and stuff the true emotions you are FEELING for the sake of thinking you are trying to do this "perfectly." If you just try to be positive and happy all of the time, you will probably end up a deliberate Law of Attraction dropout. You can't really "drop out" of using the Law of Attraction, because it's always at work in your life whether you believe it or not, but you can "drop out" of using it to purposefully create your life. When you try to fake being happy or positive, it just makes you FEEL bad. Honestly, can't you tell when someone is being "fake happy?" If you do feel bad or sad about some situation, doesn't it just FEEL worse to deny that you actually FEEL those FEELINGS? Of course it does! Pretending that you don't FEEL bad may work for about one minute, But pretending you aren't feeling any bad feelings doesn't stop the Law of Attraction from matching you up with the same negative vibration that you're offering because you really do FEEL bad on the inside. Because even though you're pretending to feel good, to feel happy, you're not being authentic when you do this. And by pretending, and masking and stuffing your feelings instead of deliberately accepting and guiding them, you are taking away the control and power you have over your life.

Author's Bio: 

Training and speaking about the Applying the Principles of Self Empowerment is one of Maritza's passions. She leads several groups in San Antonio and is the co-founder of Our Law of Attraction Podcast mentioned during her interview with Oprah Winfrey for Oprah's XM radio Show, "Oprah & Friends: The Soul Series" in May 2007.
Maritza is also the creator The Equine Experience , an interactive and experiential workshop pairing humans with horses. Horses are wonderful mirrors for human emotion. In this workshop, participants interact with these gentle animals for the purpose of learning to lessen fears, doubts and other negative emotions that can hinder people from living to their fullest joyful potential.