In order to achieve more, get the priority right. Otherwise, we could end up mindlessly busy - yet seeing no result.

How to get the priority right?

There is a simple Tao technique that you can use. It is simple, handy, and very effective.

It has to do with the Tao concepts of being and nonbeing. Never mind if you do not understand what they mean. Just follow the example below.

Look at a coffee cup.

It has a body and a handle. It can be seen and touched. The cup is being.

Is the being the reason for the cup's existence?

From the Tao's perspective, it is not.

Although it is the being - the physical body -- of the cup that catch our attention, it is the nonbeing of the cup that makes it useful. In this case, the nonbeing is in the space within the body of the cup.

We cannot see or touch the space, so it is a nonbeing. But it is the reason for the cup's existence. Without the space, the drink will have nowhere to reside in. The cup will become useless and lose the centre of its life.

In life, everything we own or do has its beings and associated nonbeings.

We often ascribe value to the beings, because it can be seen or touched. When you go to a shop to buy a cup, you are charged for the physical cup, not the space. The problem is that being needs not be the center of life, and seeing it as your priority may confuse you.

We want to have big houses. We want to have beautiful cars. We want to have impressive position. These are beings. They are important, but not necessarily the most important. If we base our priority on only the beings, we may lose the center of our life.

Use the Tao technique to complement your efforts when deciding on priority.

First, find out what the being it is.

Then, ask yourself, "What are the nonbeings associated with it?"

Very often, it is in the nonbeings where your priority lies.

Money is a being. Many of us work for money. What are the nonbeings associated with money? The answers vary from person to person, but it could include respect, fulfillment and peace of mind. The being is important, but the nonbeings could well be your priority.

When you are doing a sales presentation, the presentation is a being. What are the associated nonbeings? It could be rapport with a client, confidence in a customer, or persuasion that leads to the final sales. The presentation is important, but the priority may very well lie somewhere else. If you work only on the being, i.e., the presentation; and overlook the nonbeings; you may end up achieving no results even when you work very hard.

Think about being and nonbeing in everything you do. Very soon you will become adept at identifying priorities. This will help you to focus on the right things.

The accumulated effects can be stupefying!

Author's Bio: 

Tekson Teo, BSc (Econ), MBA, DIC, London; is an author and speaker specializes in Tao and self growth. He makes Tao easy to understand and use in achieving clear mind, effectiveness, leadership and health. He is well versed in Chinese and reads the original Tao literature including Lao Tzu and I Ching. Visit .