Creating prosperity should be a natural activity, an intrinsic outcome of all that we are and do. After all we should know the universal laws of attraction and manifestation and use them to create what we want. However, despite our knowledge of these laws, we often seem to be in a situation where things do not flow our way and we experience lack. So we try and understand what went wrong. We work at it and attempt to correct our mistakes. We ask ourselves if our visualization was clear, if we were persistent enough, if we had enough faith, if we pictured ourselves as having what we asked for, or if what we asked for was for our higher good and so on. We have also many individuals telling us about all the details of the laws of the universe in great details to help us out. We are even told not only about the Secret to prosperity , but about the Secret behind the Secret.
All this is good and well and it is true that these laws are good and work to create abundance , yet I cannot help but wonder at the complexity of it all. There are so many books and programs and lessons to learn that I get a little discouraged sometimes to ever know it all and get it perfect.
This is when I try and step back and look at things from a different perspective. While I am not an accomplished scholar, I know a little about the Bible and the Old and New Testaments. I know how the Old Testament contains the Ten Commandments and many other laws and precepts that should be obeyed to be a spiritual and successful person. I then look at the New Testament and notice Jesus’ two simple but powerful Commandments and I cannot help but draw a parallel.
I believe that when we try following the manifestation laws to attract abundance , we often are using the old ways. We are trying to follow the letter of the laws of the Universe to get what we want and it is not enough. But if we try to follow the Spirit of the Law, we may only need to consider the two laws of the New Testament. These are simply: “You shall love God with all your heart, mind, body and strength” and “You shall love yourself as you love your neighbor.” Now this looks pretty simple if not obvious to do, but why should we even consider following these two Commandments and hope to create the abundance we seek in our lives. Should we ignore the laws of attraction and manifestation and hope to create what we want just by loving God, ourselves, and our neighbor?
Well let us consider what the underlying assumptions behind those two commandments are. I am sure that you have also heard the saying to put “God first and all these things shall be added unto you.” This in essence explains why the First commandment to Love God is so critical to our abundance. How is that? Simply because of whom we are and what we are here to do and be. If we can remember to see ourselves as Children of God who are meant to be Co-Creators with him, we remember both our true identity and our purpose for being here. We give answers to the biggest questions in our lives. By remembering who we are, we acknowledge that the Divine within us is the Source of our prosperity , the Power by which we manifest it, and the Worth that makes us deserving of it.
As for the Second Commandment to Love yourself as your neighbor, it reminds us that to have access to that which we have and are, we must accept it in our minds and hearts first. We must love ourselves enough to know that all that we want that is good for us is really the Divine in us trying to create more and express more. And we must remember that all our brothers and sisters who want the same are as deserving of it as we are. If we are to access our own Heritage, we cannot try to separate them from theirs. They are as worthy as we are. The reason for this is that we are all One in Spirit which is our true nature. To try and separate another in our minds from their own good is to separate ourselves from our own good. In reality, all is connected and only in our minds can we separate ourselves from all we are and have.
So what has love got to do with it? Well in one word: everything. The nature of love is that it is the most magnetic and unifying force of the universe because it is the “feeling” aspect of Spirit. Certainly you have heard that whatever you put your attention towards, you become or draw to you. Well the assumption that is not always explicit in this approach is that you usually want to put your attention only on something you want because you love it and want it for yourself. It is Love that can draw everything good to us and remove blocks and barriers that our minds have erected. So if we truly love something, we cannot but draw it to ourselves.
Love is the most powerful magnetic emotion or feeling of the universe. So you can choose to follow with your mind all the details of the laws to create what you want or you can simply open your heart to what you want to draw it to yourself. Manifesting through The Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Grace both work to get you what you want, but if you want to use the second to do so or if you want to reinforce the First with the Second, then your must remember that Love is truly the Key.
Louis Têtu is a Life and Prosperity Coach and a Certified Retirement Coach who helps individuals in Life Transitions, and Life Balance, and in Manifesting greater Prosperity. He can be contacted at 613-440-1072 or