We women are not complicated creatures, but we are complex! So many hormones, so many moods! Our bodies can be finely tuned insturments or chaotic and painful abodes.
This article will cover just a few of the herbs (there are too many to cover here!) that have been used through the ages by women to heal and nurture themselves and their families .
I am an herbalist. I rejoice in the plant kingdom's gifts for the beauty and balance of the earth and all of her children. I find that once humans are educated in the use of herbs for maintaining and regaining health, we instinctively know what plants we need to include in our daily diets. So, let's get educated!
Evening Primrose Oil-This is a beautiful little yellow flower. It's oils are approved in Great Britain as standard treatment for symptoms of PMS and menopause. The recommended directions are: take 1 capsule a day at the beginning of your cycle. As the time for your period approaches (within a week or so) up the amount to 4 caps a day. You should experience a measurable amount of relief from symptoms. EPO also contains beneficial components that reduce inflammation and help with soft skin and hair.
The herb for mothers and pregnant women. It tones and strengthens the uterus to assist in maintaining the pregnancy
. It prepares the uterus for birth and can ease the pain of contractions.
Raspberry leaves can be drunk as a tea, or taken in capsule form. You can drink it iced in summer, or hot with a tsp. of honey to sweeten on a chilly morning. I used to keep a suntea jar in the fridge all summer, to sip when I wanted a refreshing cooler. Add peppermint or your favorite herb tea to add flavor.
Burdock-A woman's hormones (men's too!) are broken down so that they can be used in the liver. When the liver is congested with fatty matter and toxins, it just can't do its job. Burdock will help to clean up the liver. It has another reputation as being a deep blood cleanser.
Burdock can help with the symptoms of PMS such as bloating and painful breasts. You can pick it in the wild, dry it and add to your favorite herb teas, or you can buy it in caps and take as directed.
Hint: Be certain that when you pick herbs in the wild, that no spraying of any kind is being done in the area. Otherwise your herbs may be contaminated.
These are just a few of the herbs that are supremely healthful for a woman's system and balance. I plan to do an entire report on Women's Health, where I cover lots more great herbs and information that women can use for total well-being. Lots of recipes will be included! Sign up for my mailing list at "Awaken! International" or www.AwakenInt.com . I love being a woman, and want to share everything I know with you!
Hi! I've spent 30 years in the fields of "consciousness" and natural healing. I loved teaching Kundalini Yoga for 20 years, and specialized in teachings for women and children. I now teach Women's Heart and Vision Circles, and workshops on how to live your dreams. And... I love the gifts of the earth for healing naturally. I am constantly learning, and love to share all that I know and have experienced with you!
To live your "Highest Possible Life", stop by my wesite at: "Awaken! International" for free downloads and articles! www.awakenint.com