Instead of living another year on autopilot, what if your New Year’s Resolution was to consciously create each day as you go through the year? Unfortunately, we often fall into the same traps and habits no matter how much we vow to make changes in our life. The reason for our struggles is that are subconscious was designed to do most things out of routine and fights to keep us in the status quo. The easiest way to make amazing leaps in reaching your dreams this year is to put yourself on manual drive.

According the Wallace Wattles, the author of The Science of Getting Rich, you only need to use your will toward yourself. Being in charge of your thinking and using your will to think the thoughts that support your goals is all that you need to do each day. Most people get busy, going outside of themselves to make things happen, which only leads to being exhausted, frustrated and feeling powerless. If you focus inwardly on success with unwavering faith, knowing that everything you desire will be brought to you, you can let go of the when and how it happens. If you release the tension your dreams will arrive much sooner in amazing ways.

As you bring conscious creativity into your daily life, the more you can be in control of your destiny. To do this, you can start by spending 10-15 minutes of quiet contemplation each day visualizing your big dream and what you will do that day to support it. Be sure to hold the feeling of having already accomplished your goal such as being at your goal weight, finding your soul mate, attracting wealth into your new business, or even just living balanced and stress-free. If you have a difficult time focusing in meditation , you can try one of my self-hypnosis programs to guide you through the process.

Another great technique is to be more present in every action and get out of your daily routines. Constantly do something different and out of the ordinary like driving a different route to work, trying new foods, a new workout, joining a dating service, or striking up a conversation with someone at the office that you do not know very well. If you unconsciously choose to stay on the same path, you will get what you have always gotten! By mixing it up a bit, the part of your mind that resists change will become more fluid and receptive to new things and attract greater opportunities.

Ultimately as you escape your old patterns and create a new way of thinking and doing, your life will unfold to your desires. Be sure to have gratitude for what you already have and the new blessings that show up every day. Keep focusing your will inward, directing your mind toward attaining your big goals. Create a new habit of visualizing in meditation every single day. You’ll find that each day you will get one step closer to your vision. Before you know it, 2008 will be over and you will be amazed at the results you consciously created.

Author's Bio: 

Debra Berndt, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dating/Relationship Expert, Author, Speaker, Dating Coach and creator of . Berndt's online self-hypnosis store is the fastest growing provider of self-hypnosis products. Debra has appeared internationally on radio and television promoting the power of the subconscious and self-hypnosis to attract true love.

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