What is the price you are prepared to pay for your dream to come true?

I'll tell you what I'm NOT prepared to sacrifice: my health, my marriage , my values, my integrity.

Everything else is up for grabs. That means writing articles on weekends while hubby surfs the internet. That means going the extra mile for clients, even if it's after dinner time. That means not quitting even when I want to. (Sometimes the thought of quitting feels good enough in itself that I can keep going) That means trying things. And then again. And then again. Rinse, repeat.

It means taking risks - risks of disappointing myself, of appearing foolish, of being judged, of making mistakes, of losing money, of making money.

None of this is comfortable. Some of it just plain sucks.

Here's the thing: I believe in my dream. I believe in creating a community of conscious leaders who change the world - their world - with their passion and commitment. I know exactly what gets in the way too: the bullcrap that gets clogged between the ears. That's what I do - between-the-ears-bullcrap-cleaning, followed by real-time dream realisation. What's waiting on the other side for folks is a life so fulfilled and shiny that shades are mandatory in your presence.

I want that for you - a sensational wowsa life that changes worlds.

That's what gets me out of bed. That's what moves me to take deep breaths, launch new programs, express myself on facebook, and reach out over the chasm of the unknown.

And that's just for starters. That's the ra-ra stuff that fuels everything. The more practical aspect of that is this:

Do 5 things every day that supports the unfolding of your dream.

First rule: connect with your vision and purpose and feel awesome about it. Next, do something. Prove the certainty of your dream becoming reality by taking action, every day.

Jack Canfield talks about this in the Success Principles . For two years, he and his partner did five things every day to promote Chicken Soup for the Soul . Every day. Five things. Things like sending books to celebrities, like calling in to talk shows, like sending copies to network marketing businesses as mindset tool for their sales reps, like asking for book reviews , like doing bookstore talks.

The consistent effort and belief in their desire to impact the world kept them going. Their reward? Fulfilment plus many millions of dollars and a dream lifestyle. Two years of five things seems worth it to me.

Coach's Challenge: What would happen if you took the 5-things-challenge? How might your life and your dream change? Are you prepared to pay that price? C'mon - your life is waiting.

Author's Bio: 

Leadership Coach, Speaker, and Author Zoe Routh works with women in business to enhance their personal effectiveness and leadership capacity for global effect. For free tips on how to become a more effective leader that will save you time, money, energy, and stress, go to http://www.innercompass.com.au