A Quick Preamble:
It really is a no-brainer, right..? – “Natural” is better for your health, both body and mind …so why exactly is it that the mainstream media doesn’t appear to see it the same way..?
Could it be the desire to keep the general public ill-informed..?
Hmmm, partly but, I really don’t think that’s the complete reality…first, it’s their job to inform us and second, they’d never be able to hide the truth for too long…history has in fact shown us that on more than one occasion that “The Truth Will Out..!”
So, could it be that Big-Pharma, along with the PAID (big clue there…!!) media, simply don’t care about you – their consumer..?
Again, yes partly, i mean if they cared 100%, the truth would never be disguised or hidden from view, right..?…but this isn’t the whole of it either…they need their consumers to remain fit and strong for as long as possible, otherwise they’ll lose their market and their consumers too quickly.
So, why then is it that the media so often appears to be against natural health products..?
Cutting To The Chase:
Well, it’s something like this:
#1. Natural health products and methodology have been around forever and sadly, in todays society, they’re just not considered as “newsworthy”…the media loves “new”, “innovative” or breaking news and disasters …simple..!
Basically, even though natural health products are extremely beneficial to health and wellness and they’re being reinvented and/or rediscovered all the time, they’re just not newsworthy enough to boost ratings like ‘breaking news’ and ‘new releases’.
I mean, who’s going to read “Tomatoes are great for your prostrate health” when you have “Tsunami Hits The Chinese Coastline” or “Terrorists Attack French Consulate” or “Apple Release The iPhone 69” etc. etc…i’m sure you get my drift…!!
BUT…after all is said and done, there are a few media sources who do deserve credit as they do highlight the many Health and Wellness arenas and products…so, hats off to to them and “yaay”..!
#2. Society in general, has been trained, dare i say “brain-washed”, into believing that modern chemically enhanced medicines and supplements are the only ways to fix your health and/or be healthy.
We have sadly been taught and conditioned throughout our lives (for several generations now) that when you want to feel good, or you need to be “fixed”, you should solely rely on poisonous pharmaceutical products and drugs that have been “manufactured” by chemists and biologists.
So what happens as a result of this ‘conditioning’…? We begin to mistrust the natural foods, substances and methods – not because we should, but because we’re taught to think that way.
Hey, as i constantly re-iterate (you’ll see this comment on many of my posts and articles) big-pharma and the many honourable medical professionals that work hard in their profession, definitely have their place in the world and they most certainly have my full respect – heck, thousands of lives are saved every year because of them.
It’s just a sad fact that most people these days just don’t consider natural, healthy substances or methods when it comes to preventing or treating conditions or diseases…which of course, begs the question, why should the media be expected to do so..?
I suppose the point here is that there are, and always have been, great natural products that can and will, work to protect your health and your wellness – body and mind .
Of course, the fundamental element for most natural products is that they’re more often used for preventative purposes rather than a cure or a fix , and also most people don’t think about their health until they actually begin to experience health problems.
By then, they’d generally need chemically enhanced treatment…!…sad, right..?
#3. Politics…
It would be so nice to be able to constantly look at the world through rose-tinted glasses and believe the best of all people and organisations but honestly, we’d be seriously remiss if we were to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the fact that politics (mostly faceless politicians) and high-finance play a huge role in every aspect of our society, including the health industry and the subsequent media reporting.
Big-Pharma and the Media are huge businesses…simple..!
Suffice to say, not everyone behind the scenes is out to deliberately mislead us, but let’s face it, money often “talks” and if there’s a lot of money on the table, some people WILL and DO overlook what should be said, just to raise their bottom line…it’s an obvious and very well known fact..!
Also, media reports are extensions of their owners’ beliefs which simply means that if they don’t believe in natural health products, they’re not going to make them a priority for the rest of us.
It’s no different than any other business owner having the control over what they share with the general public…It’s just that the media are more in our face because we have greater access to their information … and we gain more access everyday..!
A Final Anecdote:
My point in telling you all this, is this: Take the time to research things for yourself so you get a feel for all the reasoning out there, and then make your own decisions…don’t rely on the media to do it for you, most especially when it comes to natural health and wellness – of both Mind and Body.
Well, I hope that all the diatribe here hasn’t bored you but inspires you to take a closer look at what you see and hear via the mainstream media…filter it and dig a little deeper…you’ll be amazed by what you may find..!
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Peter EC Kirwan