A Quick Preamble:
Yep, here’s another one where i can honestly say: “been there, done that..!”
In fact i was generally a pretty sickly kid and subsequently suffered a whole plethora of illnesses, bugs, viruses and hospitalisations…a few i’ve already written about…and the kidney infection that put me into hospital for a full six weeks of my young life was probably the scariest and longest lasting illness i’d suffered up to that point.
While i don’t remember feeling particularly ill or uncomfortable at the time – ah, the bliss of ignorant (and resilient) youth – i’ll absolutely NEVER forget that fateful day while visiting a favourite aunt and needing to go for a “pee”…it was NOT a normal little-boy pee, it was a full and heavy stream of mostly blood…
…and it frightened the life out of me, scared the pants off of my poor ol’ mum n dad (ok, panty-hose in the case of mum) and my favourite aunt almost passed out – bless her old heart..!
Cutting To The Chase:
I was hospitalised immediately and that was the start of my catheter-bag-and-drug, never allowed-out-of-bed life in the kiddies ward of the local hospital, All Saints Hospital – great hospital in fact, great doctors, wonderful (and beautiful) nurses – and the worst food EVER..!!
Ah well, can’t have everything i s’pose..!
Back to the subject at hand – – Your kidneys have a tough job and work pretty hard…they’re “multi-taskers”…they help to flush toxins from your body by filtering your blood and producing urine and they assist with your bodily acid balance…
…but as it is the case for all your other individual organs, they’re delicate, and if infected will cease to function at their optimum – and you could suffer the even worse scenario of serious “renal” infection, as indeed i did…for which you’ll need to source immediate MEDICAL assistance – or even “kidney failure” should that infection not be destroyed quickly and completely..!
The Cause of Kidney Infection..?
Bacteria absolutely LOVE your kidneys… they’re a great place for bacteria mommies n’ daddies to settle down and have billions of bacteria brats…
…and that happens when bacteria find their way into your urinary tract via the tube carrying your urine, or when bacteria is delivered to your kidneys via your bloodstream because you have some other type of bodily or blood disorder.
A Few Prevention Basics…
♦ Drink plenty of the CORRECT type of fluids – i’ve gone into finer detail for this just a little further on down this page with “Natural Remedies”…
♦ Eat healthy and hygienically – i.e. ensure raw foods such as salads and fruit etc., are properly “clean” before eating…ensure meat has been stored and/or prepared with sufficient hygiene standards applied…
♦ Practise good “personal” hygiene – there’s no need to be completely manic or “anal” about this,as some people are…just use some plain old common-sense and remember what your ol’ gran and your mum used to insist you do i.e. you MUST wash your hands after visiting the toilet…you MUST wash your hands after blowing your nose…you MUST wash your hands after handling meat, animals, or any object or surface that can pass on germs and viruses…
Some of The Common Ugly Symptoms…
♦ Hematuria – the presence of blood in the urine…yay, my favourite…NOT..!
♦ Unusually frequent urination
♦ A “burning” or “stinging” sensation while urinating
♦ Back ache – can get “sickeningly” severe
♦ Stomach pain
♦ Appetite loss
♦ Extreme tiredness/fatigue
Some “Natural” Treatments…
There are quite a number of herbs , berries and other foods or methods of remedying the uncomfortable effects of a kidney infection and most of these are items you can usually find at home or at least close to home…these are my personal favourites with the first three being especially noteworthy:
# 1 – SUGAR
You know the story, i’ve told you this before… STAY AWAY FROM IT – SIMPLE..! …every type, colour and form, including cookies, bread, pastries, soft drinks and (most especially) booze..!
It’s poison anyway and nobody ever actually needs the unnatural, heavily refined and chemically infused rubbish that is so prolific in our world today…just remember one of my favourite rants: “FAT DOESN’T MAKE YOU FAT – SUGAR DOES”
It also, very easily, encourages the growth of all and any harmful bacteria that may have invited themselves (and their billions of bacteria brats…!) into your kidneys.
Add extra probiotics to your diet – Via a capsule type supplement (i personally use a supplement every day) or some natural, unsweetened, plain yoghurt, or fermented vegetables or wheat grass…or a combination.
This is a fairly new branch of study for the scientific and medical communities of the world but positive findings for the good of your kidneys are being noted..!
Now you probably already know that there’s a need for good probiotic microorganisms or good bacteria in your gut so that harmful bacteria doesn’t destroy your digestive system…well there are certain microorganisms that use creatinine, urea, uric acid and a whole range of other bodily toxins as nutrients for growth – toxins that infected kidneys usually have in abundance .
Probiotics multiply prolifically, thus ensuring in their own natural way, that the unnatural abundance of toxins are diffused and then excreted from the body..!
Fresh lemon juice – i usually use half of a small lemon – squeezed into a glass or cup of “luke-warm” water is not only refreshing and good for the gut, it’s also a good kidney flush and is one of the highest sources of Vitamin C, which is also very important for kidney health…which in turn, very neatly takes me to our next remedy…
Vitamin C raises the acidity levels in kidneys which simply makes it impossible for bacteria to survive.
Some type of citrus fruit or Kiwi fruit, or even a daily vitamin C supplement – consumed first thing in the morning will generally do the trick.
# 5 – GINGER
Fresh, dried and ground, capsule form – doesn’t matter, it’s all good, although fresh ginger chopped up fine and infused into hot water as a tea is, i believe, the most beneficial…your fluid consumption and the quality or type of fluid is extremely important for kidney function.
Plenty of warm cups of ginger tea makes for a very effective and beneficial kidney flush-out.
It’s a great whole body detox and overall body-cleansing food – but is a very effective remedy for your ailing kidneys because of the pile of nutrients and vitamins that parsley naturally contains i.e. riboflavin, sodium, thiamin, potassium and vitamins A, B and C.
Take a small handful of parsley, boil ’em up in water, until all that green goodness is infused into the water, strain, then drink – hot or cold…easy..!
Along with parsley, drinking practically any herbal tea is an effective way to soothe and treat kidney infections…i think chamomile is just one of the better tasting varieties.
# 8 – WATER
Plain old, clean, refreshing water shouldn’t be forgotten…it’s the simplest diuretic…don’t overdo it and drink the stuff ’til you have a belly the size if a small car, just drink enough so that you’re dashing off to the loo on a regular basis – that way you know you’re pushing those aching kidneys into washing out lots of salt and easing that uncomfortable and unhealthy renal condition.
I love fresh cooked beetroot…this sweet, earthy tasting, purple coloured vegetable is extremely versatile and packed to the brim with seriously potent antioxidants and nutrients that include the previously mentioned kidney cleansing magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, vitamins A B, C and D – the leaves are also nutritious with a higher iron content than spinach.
Peel the fresh beetroot bulbs like spuds, boil ’em until they’re soft and leave ’em to go cold, then slice ’em or dice ’em and use them as a cold additional to a salad or as a side dish…slice them thin, sprinkle a dash of olive oil or coconut oil, add some seasoning and roast them in the oven for a delicious and crispy snack…what about some warm beetroot soup or a glass of fresh beetroot juice..?
# 10 – GARLIC
Fresh garlic not only enhances the flavour of foods but is also beneficial for your blood health and it’s another form of diuretic that helps the kidneys to flush out excess salt via your urine…
…and of course, garlic stops those pesky vampires chomping on your neck…just kidding, vampires don’t actually exist – do they..?
A Final Anecdote:
Your kidneys play a crucial role in ridding your body of the toxins and bacteria that are an inevitable part of our everyday lives, so you need to take good care of them – they’re tough but not invincible.
A kidney infection, even if mild, can be pretty traumatic when it hits you and is generally pretty uncomfortable one way or another…I KNOW…but if you use any or a combination of at least a couple of these remedies, then you’ll soothe your suffering kidneys and eventually destroy that infection, permanently.
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I leave you with this – a quote from the late, great Homer William Smith
, one of the greatest physiologists and science advocates to have studied and championed the kidneys:
“Superficially, it might be said that the function of the kidneys is to make urine; but in a more considered view one can say that the kidneys make the stuff of philosophy itself.”
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Peter EC Kirwan